Some good points are made in that post.
As I said, Unication is making improvements to the firmware that are making them more scanner like. The current public version of firmware is still only single site per knob position but it includes talk group lock-out and talk group hold and for me those were my biggest drawbacks so that's not an issue any more. The next expected firmware release is supposed to include the ability to monitor multiple sites.
With the SRRCS only having one site that covers the entire county (not including Davis and the Folsom and Twitchell ASR sites that you can switch to if you're in those areas) you really don't need to monitor more than one site to hear everything, including Davis.
As for what model to get, I personally would go with the VHF G5 for the Sacramento area. That would allow you to have 700/800 MHz trunking and conventional as well as VHF trunking (Placer County) and conventional (CAL FIRE and just about everyone else in the surrounding area) that you can switch to when you are in those areas. And as the firmware updates progress you will likely be able to scan all of it at some point in the future.
And for
@EmergencyToday he should definitely have more than one radio in that business (I was a stringer in Sacramento from 1994 to 2011) so a VHF G5 for SRRCS that could be switched to other systems as he moves, and another scanner (that he currently has) for actual scanning would work great.