Anyone else think the all sub-forum layout sucks?

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2003
Southern Oregon
With the above suggestion in mind, maybe a combination of it and the current structure should be considered? ...something like:

-- 436/536/HP
---- Sentinel Software
---- Owner Tech Support
---- Prospective Owners
---- Performance and Technical Topics
---- Bug Reports
-- Older Trunking
---- Owner Tech Support
---- Prospective Owners
---- Performance and Technical Topics
---- Bug Reports
-- Older Non-Trunking
---- Owner Tech Support
---- Prospective Owners
---- Performance and Technical Topics
---- Bug Reports
-- Uniden Future Designs (what I want in next Uniden model)
-- General Uniden Discussion (general topics, but not rants)

Something like this would help organize first by model, and then by topic within each model, making it easier (hopefully) to find items of interest without wading through many items of disinterest.

It would also allow custom "New Post" and "Today" lists/searches to be created for specific models, etc., and/or for things like "all uniden bug reports", etc.

This concept could extend to the GRE/Whistler forum(s) with similar benefits.

Just a thought,

I like this layout better.


Sep 29, 2007
First of all, change is always difficult.
Thank you for changing the forum organization. I do believe it was necessary.

I do believe, however, that the forum organization needs to be changed again.
It is difficult to follow.

Thanks for the consideration.

forums manager

Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Nov 11, 2013
In case it helps make it easier to display things in a one-list style, this other thread explains how to set-up a custom "New Posts" and "Daily" updates-list, and uses the new Uniden sub-threads as an example.
There's a Sticky in the parent Uniden forum you should be linking to, and not the Forum Admin one. This one. If someone is complaining about having to read multiple forums because clicking in and out is too much work then read that link please.

For instance, let's say I have a 436hp and I'm having difficulties with a quick key setup. Do I post it in bugs, software discussion, performance or tech support? It could be any of those four.
Then you post to Owner Tech Support. This is where a majority of the "I need help" threads will go. And how could it be software related? Are you using Sentinel? No, then it's not software related.

Folks, please read the forum descriptions. If you don't read then we can't help you. If you don't understand, and you don't ask, we can't help you. If you resist thinking, we can't help you.

We will not be titling forum names after models because we then have to keep adding new forums for new models. Continuously tailoring the Uniden forums based on models is too high maintenance and beyond the purpose of an internet forum. Take a look at the prefixes when creating a new thread. Where do we draw the line with that huge list. The purpose of the thread prefixes, as already mentioned, is to facilitate singling out scanner models. Click here and look for "Find Threads with Prefix".

We have this nifty tool called Advanced Search that I linked to above. I would suggest trying it out. Because we will not be going back to the old model.

Honestly I think most of the complaints are because some people can't handle change. Most of what people ask for is already available.

forums manager

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Super Moderator
Nov 11, 2013
With the above suggestion in mind, maybe a combination of it and the current structure should be considered? ...something like:
Oh my! Talk about complication. WAY too many options. And you think people can't decide where to post now. Just the sheer number will intimidate people. There's more to this site than just Uniden, and we can't single them out by giving them a plethora of forums.

Your layout is better for a site dedicated to Uniden. It's all about balance, and we can't please everyone. People need to keep this in mind.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Honestly I think most of the complaints are because some people can't handle change. Most of what people ask for is already available.

Change is fine and something needed to be done. This just isn't organized properly. I've been through this before in another life managing a similar site so I was trying to help based on experience. But your course seems fixed so there's no reason to argue. Good luck with it.


Feb 8, 2012
There's a Sticky in the parent Uniden forum you should be linking to, and not the Forum Admin one. This one. If someone is complaining about having to read multiple forums because clicking in and out is too much work then read that link please.

With respect to the quote above (my emphasis), I understand why you wish I had linked to This Sticky, and certainly accept your instruction as "Moderator's guidance" for future link-choices.

With respect sir, the link used in my earlier post was chosen for three reasons, because other readers might (as I did):
  • benefit from the entire conversation about customized searches and how forum id's relate to searching
  • learn how to include or exclude certain (sub-)forums in customized searches, and
  • see the links for both the customized "GetNew(Uniden-only)" and "GetDaily(Uniden-only)" searches, since this announcement and the closed sticky thread did not include the "GetDaily(Uniden-only)" link at the time of my earlier post.
I hope this helps clarify my earlier link-choice. I will certainly keep your above guidance in-mind for future link-choices.



Feb 8, 2012
Oh my! Talk about complication. WAY too many options. And you think people can't decide where to post now. Just the sheer number will intimidate people. There's more to this site than just Uniden, and we can't single them out by giving them a plethora of forums.

Your layout is better for a site dedicated to Uniden. It's all about balance, and we can't please everyone. People need to keep this in mind.

From other non-RR experience, I fully understand your perspective on forums-management, including your points about wanting fewer forums to manage, and to reduce confusion in the list of choices. I understand that data-structure-design always involve a balance between user-friendliness and required-maintenance.

My intent was to help suggest a data-structure that natively achieves both granularity and intuitive follow-your-nose navigation, (instead of relying on the advanced-search tool for granularity), hoping that intuitive-navigation would reduce required-maintenance. There was no intent to single-out Uniden; as mentioned earlier, the GRE/Whistler forum would benefit from a similar structure (with whatever structure is finalized).

Like others have said, with time, we will get used to the changes.

Thanks again for your efforts.


Dec 19, 2002
Looking at the messages being moved, and the trickle of messages in some of the sub-forums, I'd say it's not working as intended.


Canadian DB Admin
Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
If the new layout "sucks" so much, how come there are always 100-200 people viewing the Uniden subforums. :confused:

I've counted about ten people vocal enough to make there displeasure known. :lol:


Dec 19, 2002
Somewhere in this room. Right now, you're very col
If the new layout "sucks" so much, how come there are always 100-200 people viewing the Uniden subforums. :confused:


Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner folks.

I agree, what the hell? For those of you who have nothing better to do than complain, why are you here? No one is holding a gun to your head and making you read the forums. If this place "sucks" so bad, then start your OWN radio scanner website! No one is stopping you! You can start your own site somewhere that offers free hosting and register a domain name of your choosing for less than $10 a year most places. So go for it! Show us all how it's done. I'll wait. ;)


forums manager

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Super Moderator
Nov 11, 2013
Looking at the messages being moved, and the trickle of messages in some of the sub-forums, I'd say it's not working as intended.
When you try something new do you normally give up so easily? This is why I still have my 536 as I'm not ready to give up on it yet despite my ignorance and/or lack of performance in respect to what I want to do.

Anyhow, the new forums have not been around long enough for people to understand the what, why and where. Inherently people will get their threads moved; that's a given. A lot of people make knee-jerk actions without completely thinking their process through.

I'm not against tweaking things but to redo the forums yet again for a model or technology will not be done. That's the last I'm going to say about that.

The only reason I keep posting to these threads is because I want to help you guys use them and minimize the confusion; never responding was always an option.

I will say this...these changes have severely cut down on the complaints we used to receive from the Uniden forum. I seem to see less arguments too.


Active Member
Mar 31, 2006
i would like to go back to the original way. just stick the entire mess up there. , let me go thru the titles and see what i want to read. way new oy, confusing very.
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