The shortwave hobby is alive and well and DX is great right now when you factor in we are in the 11 year sunspot cycle but with a few caveats.The proof of this is go to the University of Netherlands live SDR site and you will see it is lit up like a Xmas tree with shortwave stations broadcasting world wide 🌎 24/7.
Now for the caveats (problems) we face in modern day shortwave listening.
Problem 1
-no beamed services to North America which can mean the difference between a S5/5 to a S1/5
Problem 2
-very few English services left
Problem 3
-to high of a noise floor RFI due to man made modern electronic devices in the home, computers, tv screens, phones, wall adapters etc
Solution 1
-ironic if you fix problem 3 you will fix problem 1 at the same time, there is nothing wrong with a weak S1/5 signals they are perfectly readable if you have a very low noise floor
Solution 2
-use Microsoft free translate app to convert
foreign languages from speech to text in real time,
this is a game changer and will open up a whole new world of DX possibilities
Solution 3
-take your portable shortwave radio from room to room and start unplugging electronic devices watching your S meter for any drops in the noise floor, the key is not to live in the dark but just to find the bad offending RFI devices
-if there was no difference take you radio outside away from the house, if still no difference take your radio to a park, I bet you will find at a park you radio's noise floor will be nice and quiet and and your radio will come alive with station appearing from out of nowhere
Summing Up
There are tons of great shortwave stations still broadcasting up and down the band 24/7 but they are typically found in the noise floor, so if your noise floor is S9 they will be masked and not be heard.
In my opinion the way to go for modern day shortwave listening is with a modern day portable
field shortwave radios using just the back of the set antenna NO long wire as these sets are very sensitive and you will overload the front end making the noise floor even worse, you want to do the exact opposite, reduce your noise floor so it's very low.
The beauty of portable field shortwave radios is you can take them out of high RFI environments
and take them with you, kinda of hard to do with a desk top and a 100 foot long wire antenna.
As we all know the bands open and close (propagation) all the time and you can go for days not hearing any stations which is normal. Don't give up as the bands will open up again soon.
This does not really answers the OP question about what to listen to but it will surely open up a whole new world of shortwave broadcast DX so he can listen to more on the band because it sure is active and not a wasteland.
Skippy 🇨🇦
Now for the caveats (problems) we face in modern day shortwave listening.
Problem 1
-no beamed services to North America which can mean the difference between a S5/5 to a S1/5
Problem 2
-very few English services left
Problem 3
-to high of a noise floor RFI due to man made modern electronic devices in the home, computers, tv screens, phones, wall adapters etc
Solution 1
-ironic if you fix problem 3 you will fix problem 1 at the same time, there is nothing wrong with a weak S1/5 signals they are perfectly readable if you have a very low noise floor
Solution 2
-use Microsoft free translate app to convert
foreign languages from speech to text in real time,
this is a game changer and will open up a whole new world of DX possibilities
Solution 3
-take your portable shortwave radio from room to room and start unplugging electronic devices watching your S meter for any drops in the noise floor, the key is not to live in the dark but just to find the bad offending RFI devices
-if there was no difference take you radio outside away from the house, if still no difference take your radio to a park, I bet you will find at a park you radio's noise floor will be nice and quiet and and your radio will come alive with station appearing from out of nowhere
Summing Up
There are tons of great shortwave stations still broadcasting up and down the band 24/7 but they are typically found in the noise floor, so if your noise floor is S9 they will be masked and not be heard.
In my opinion the way to go for modern day shortwave listening is with a modern day portable
field shortwave radios using just the back of the set antenna NO long wire as these sets are very sensitive and you will overload the front end making the noise floor even worse, you want to do the exact opposite, reduce your noise floor so it's very low.
The beauty of portable field shortwave radios is you can take them out of high RFI environments
and take them with you, kinda of hard to do with a desk top and a 100 foot long wire antenna.
As we all know the bands open and close (propagation) all the time and you can go for days not hearing any stations which is normal. Don't give up as the bands will open up again soon.
This does not really answers the OP question about what to listen to but it will surely open up a whole new world of shortwave broadcast DX so he can listen to more on the band because it sure is active and not a wasteland.
Skippy 🇨🇦