Don't want to get my hopes up... but if these questions can be answered, it might help pinpoint the problem:
1) *exact* frequency or frequencies the problem is noticed on?
162.4 my noaa "test" frequency for overall checks.
2) Program just one problem frequency into a memory of the radio AND into VFO.
Did that.
3) Set the 878 mute to open (Menu > Settings > Radio Set > [27] Ana Sq Level > Ana SQ OFF
4) Test problem frequency on comparison radio, note how 'noisy' or noise-free the signal is
5) Swap antenna from the comparison radio to the 878.
6) Test problem frequency on 878 *VFO* How 'noisy' is the signal, with the mute always open, compared to the other radio?
(intention here is to see if it's RF sensitivity or mute sensitivity, or both)
7) Test problem frequency on 878 *MEMORY CHANNEL*. Again, how noisy or noise-free is the signal, with mute always open, compared to other radio?
OK, there is no comparison. The comparison radio-in this case my Ailunce HD1-blew the doors off the 878. 162.4, which is spotty here, HD1 consistently receives very well, handheld and sitting by itself on the coffee table. 162.4 comes in here ~75% with some fried eggs on all of my ht's. On both radios I used the 878's stock antenna.
878: Both VFO and memory make no difference. Both are the same. With squelch open or not-checked both ways-in the same places I held or sat the HD1-I had to do statue of liberty hold overhead to get a readable signal. It really is worse than I thought. In the same exact spot on the coffee table the 878 did not receive the signal *at all* with open squelch, none, nada. Not even there.
I'm a former two-way tech. I will tell you beyond a doubt that the *rf* sensitivity on the 878 is poor enough to make the radio unusable. But, also, the squelch sensitivity is poor. At 1 it still mutes a weak signal too much. Squelch needs smaller increments in software settings to let weaker signald through.
(intention here is to determine if the RF transceiver chip is being 'initialised' correctly when switching between VFO & memory modes)
8) Describe your surrounding RF environment: eg: metro or rural / testing inside or outside / located near any nearby transmitter towers / anything else you think might be relevant.
I'm in a development, rural setting, in the living room, turned off all phones, tablets, etc since they wipe out the whole room when charging. No other things around that cause problems with V/U reception.
Hope this helps... definitely an RF sens problem with the radio.
*BTW* I show here as a newbie but I was here under a different user for years until I had a hiatus and lost all of my info. I've been at 'this thing of ours' since 1969.
If it's easier for you to do a video of this, that would be just fine too.