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AnyTone AT-5888UV III Triband Reviews

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Aug 13, 2014

Solid state radios haven't used "relays" in many decades...

Well, I had two Solid State radios that use relays. The Yaesu FT857 uses them to switch in filters. When you scan memories they click away as the radio scans through the various channels.

The BTECH 2501 + 220 was a dual band rig that added 220 mhz as an afterthought. It had a 220 bandpass filter that was switched in by a relay. When you scanned 146/440mhz memories it was fine. When you scanned any combination of memories that included the 220mhz band the bandpass relay chattered away every time the radio scanned past a 220 channel. VERY annoying.

My question here is simply trying to determine if the Anytone tri band radio has a bandpass filter for 220mhz that is switched in with a relay like the above mentioned radios. OR...is it nice and quiet???

Come ON guys ! Pull your head away from the shiny new radio long enough and get some of your scanning experiences with this radio on this forum.


Premium Subscriber
May 27, 2015
Hot Springs, AR
The BTECH 2501 + 220 was a dual band rig that added 220 mhz as an afterthought. It had a 220 bandpass filter that was switched in by a relay. When you scanned 146/440mhz memories it was fine. When you scanned any combination of memories that included the 220mhz band the bandpass relay chattered away every time the radio scanned past a 220 channel. VERY annoying.
Wow! That's a very strange "solution." Why they'd choose a mechanical relay over a quiet solid-state relay is certainly a mystery... :confused:


May 6, 2016
New York City, NY
Wow! That's a very strange "solution." Why they'd choose a mechanical relay over a quiet solid-state relay is certainly a mystery... :confused:

Mercury wetted contacts or silver relays contacts provide better isolation compared to a FET. The FET becomes a rf capacitor , creating rf leakage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Feb 20, 2006
Hyper Memories 1 and 2 ?

Hello all,

Can anyone here explain or give an overview of what the hyper memories do? The manual really doesn't explain them. It tells how to switch them on but not how to program them. How have you all used them, if at all?

So far, I am really impressed with this radio.



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Premium Subscriber
Mar 4, 2013
New Jersey
Update on AT-5888UV III Triband

Well it's been about 8 months since any one last posted about this radio.
So hopefully here is a little update on things, issues and problems.

1. The USB Port on the left side of the mount head. It's not for flash programming, its just an USB accessory port, provides enough voltage to charge your Cell Phone.

2. There is a Firmware update available from Ed G at Wouxan.US to extend TX range. However, The control head has to be sent back to Wouxan.US (Ed G's) company for the upgrade. Contact Ed for details. Cost < $10.00 + Shipping and handling both ways.

3. Some users including myself have reported strong receiver inter mod in high RF environments especially in metro areas of larger cites and especially with base antenna.(Mostly from high power paging transmitters.) In the Mobile not that noticeable. Future models may require the front end being tightened up. Does the New Firmware correct? = Unknown...

4. RT Systems Software and Cable is very helpful and easy to programing the radio,

If anyone has new experiences with this radio, please post.




Oct 14, 2010
Worcester, MA, USA
I too have noticed intermod and spurious noise blotting out even strong VHF signals. In my Toyota Rav4 hybrid there's plenty of off-frequency RF and the AT-5888UV III seems to not be able to suppress it at all. 220 often picks up nearby noise sources since most 220 repeaters don't use PL tones.

I cannot set mine to receive AM aircraft channels. Apparently, thought the radio's specs and firmware seem to support reception on 118-136 MHz, the radio just won't allow going there on either side (left is 2m/220 right is 2m/440). Maybe I need this software update?

Bob - KB1VUA


Oct 17, 2008
Touch Tone Problems

I have had my AT-5888UV III long enough to notice many of the problems earlier posted. It does have slight intermod even out in the boondocks here where I live outside of Dallas, TX.

The problem I have noticed is my inability to have my Bridgecom 220 repeater/controller decode the rigs CTCSS codes. My old Wouxun HT, Alinco 220/900 HT's, my real old but reliable Kenwood TM-741A and the Jetstream 220 all have no problems accessing the repeater's internal or external controller. I see no easy way to lower its audio, but have not really dug deeply into the radio yet. Not sure I want to, since opening up the lid shows pwbs on top of other pwbs.

I looked thru the RT Systems software I use to program the Anytone, but didn't notice any anything that might help my problem. Anyone use their radio's TT's to access repeaters? I have only tried TT access on 220 MHz.

Roger W5RDW


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Mar 4, 2013
New Jersey

Since my last post on 6/2/17 and reading followup posts. My conclusions so far are:
I do reside in a very high and dense RF environment. As stated earlier,
using a Comet CX333 Tri Band antenna mounted on the peak of the roof with about 45FT LMR 400 coax SWR < 1.4/1 on all bands , I have noticed this more so while using this radio as a base station rather than a mobile. As a mobile I am using a Comet SBB-224/SBB-224NMO mounted in the center of my AWD roof, SWR < 1.6/1 on all bands. Only occasionally will I get some spurious noise, a paging transmitter image, front end receiver overload or other burp, beep, barf or raspberry sounds. As to CTCSS/CDS Encode and Decode, no problems accessing or hearing area repeaters with the proper codes programmed
unless it's a user error (me) having programmed the wrong information like simplex instead of the proper repeater split, pl etc...duh...
Also I have NOT noticed any "warbling" on the 220 side while mobile either on recieve or from other stations when I transmit as one previously posted. IMHO so far as for me the radio is working fine. Not perfect, but for my needs just fine. Perhaps I am just one of the few who is having some better luck with this radio than others. Counting my blessings and keeping my fingers crossed.:roll::cool: Thanks for reading....


Oct 17, 2008
Does not Encode Touch Tones

I meant to say the Anytone cannot remote access the repeater using the transceiver's TT signaling. It does control the CAT250 controller via its TT just fine. Also, its CTCSS signaling works for the repeater RX access/TX signaling.

I may just for now control the repeater with the external controller (ON/OFF really is all I need for this simple setup). I may just have to haul out the old Kenwood TM742A to the mobile. It has been in at least 6-7 vehicles over the years!

Roger W5RDW

I have had my AT-5888UV III long enough to notice many of the problems earlier posted. It does have slight intermod even out in the boondocks here where I live outside of Dallas, TX......

Roger W5RDW
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