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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Anytone AT-D868

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May 24, 2010
I've had no issues making the 868 work with my openSPOT (v131 FW) using the current 2.18 FW, or local repeaters that are DMR-MARC affiliate systems.

Make sure your channels look like what I have here - none of those boxes on the right should be checked, or need to be. 'TDMA Simplex' is the DCDM mode that's present in the Motorola units & Hytera models with v8 FW or higher. That 'TDMA Adaptive' has me confused, as the closest thing I can think of is Hytera's 'Psuedo Trunking' (XPT).

My 7550e has no issues talking to the 868 on simplex via one of the 3 'DMR Simplex' channels (and the same in reverse).

Those are the same settings I have been using (except for the frequency). All worked fine for 868 firmware 2.02 and 2.17, but not for 2.18.


Dec 17, 2017
Madrid- España
I decided to buy the walkie ANYTONE AT-D868UV GPS V2.18 for how small it is and for the features it seemed to have, but it is not like that, in vhf and uhf digital DMR, it DOES NOT WORK, MISLEADING FAILURE ..

I have 4 walkies, a TYT MD380, a baofeng DM-5R PIUs, a RADIODDITY gd-77 and a hytera pd 375 and all receive well in digital, I can communicate in digital between the four but .. with the Anytone AT-D868UV is not possible digital communication, it emits but in reception it is interrupted continuously.

In the Anytone AT-D868UV every several seconds of digital reception loses the signal, especially with my openSpot MMDVM, I have four digital walkies among them baofeng and they do not lose the signal, in the Anytone I get continuously (group call hend) and in a second continues with the reception, so continuously, there is no way to listen to a QSO conversation in DMR, it is continuously interrupted, returns to the main screen and then continues, continuously loses the signal (call end) the green light flashes, with the other waalkies they do not lose signal and they sound perfectly ..

*I have changed frequencies in 430 and 144 but it is still the same ... I have tried almost everything, but there is no way, the reception is cut continuously, I have reset it thinking it would be a firmware failure and I have put few channels to see How about ... but nothing, still failing a lot in digital channels, I do not know what to do ..

You also hear a continuous buzzing sound VERY ANNOYED when you open the sound in digital, and the audio in low level is heard quite loud, annoying to listen at night and disturb the sleepers at home.

I really like its design and its features. If they worked well, they would be sold by thousands since it is a very compact walkie with many possibilities.

I ask engineers and manufacturers of this walquie, please take out some firmware to repair the DIGITAL RECEPTION.

I hope you solve it please ...

*I do not want to think that I have thrown away my money.



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
You say digital mode does not work, but is it only in simplex between your other radios? I've loaded 2.19, but have not tried it yet in simplex with my CS580. Agree that simplex with the CS580 and 2.18 on the 868 did not work well.

Working with repeaters not a problem.

One thing I see is digital monitor should be turned off if you are listening to a repeater and you want to follow a specific Talk Group conversation. Activity on the other time slot will get the radio jumping back and forth interrupting what you want to hear.



Dec 17, 2017
Madrid- España
En simplex no funciona y en repetidores se entrecorta menos y emite muy mal .. no me entienden nada de lo que estoy diciendo.

In simplex it does not work and in repeaters it cuts less and emits very badly ... they do not understand anything of what I am saying ..


Apr 2, 2016
Branson, MO
Just received 2 AnyTone AT-D868UV HTs. They have FW 2.18 in them. Both HTs have a very noticeable HUM or BUZZ in the TX audio. This can be heard in both Analog and Digital modes. Even if I lower the Mic Gain to Level 1, it's still there on transmit and can be heard when listening via another radio.
Does anyone else have this same problem? Or are these 2 lemons that I need to return?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
If listening with the 2nd radio only a few feet away that is not a good practice. Over the air reports from other operators is better. No issues with my 868.


May 24, 2010
Just received 2 AnyTone AT-D868UV HTs. They have FW 2.18 in them. Both HTs have a very noticeable HUM or BUZZ in the TX audio. This can be heard in both Analog and Digital modes. Even if I lower the Mic Gain to Level 1, it's still there on transmit and can be heard when listening via another radio.
Does anyone else have this same problem? Or are these 2 lemons that I need to return?

There were some problems with the screen in the earlier versions of the firmware causing a buzzing noise. Try turning the brightness setting down and see if goes away or gets better. I have a buzzing noise with firmware 2.19 that wasn't there before on RX, but I haven't had time to experiment.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 3, 2006
Rockland, MA
Has anyone discovered a way through hex editing or anything to program frequencies above 480? I’d like to see if it’ll receive up there...


Unhinged Conspiracy Theorist
Dec 19, 2002
TDMA Adaptive

....That 'TDMA Adaptive' has me confused, as the closest thing I can think of is Hytera's 'Psuedo Trunking' (XPT)......

Just to fill in the blanks for those that found this thread when searching or 'TDMA Adaptive' . I am very familiar with Hytera's "Pseudo-Trunking". I tried using the Adaptive feature in FW V2.27 and it does not seem to be the same thing, at least in repeater operation. I also tried various Admit Criterias with this hoping it would figure out that the current slot was busy and transmit on the alternate.

Back in the old days (2014) we used to b i t c h about Moto's lack of information on many of the radio settings. I take all that back now. The Anytone manual only indicates:

"TDMA Adaptive: Check if for adaptive slot selection between slot 1 and 2 "

I suspect this really has to do with the ETSI Dual-Slot Direct Mode feature. Somehow.


Jun 19, 2018
My guess is that "TDMA Adaptive" must be seen in row with "Simplex TDMA".

When setting the DMR Mode to "Simplex" via the menu in CPS the check is made on "Through Mode". So, the latter simply sends out the packages without any timeslot reference (technically it still uses one timeslot, but that one is arbitrary and must not be mixed up with the timeslots in repeater mode).

Switching on "Simplex TDMA" changes the DMR mode to "Dual slot", so now a timeslot reference is send and you can send and receive on TS1 or TS2 by choice. The receiving device must use the same mode. Maybe this works with and without master. The ETSI documents say that one device can still be a master for synchronization.

With TDMA Adaptive it sounds as if the device simply automatically takes the available timeslot, so that the user does not need to set one. According to ETSI there is a mode where two simplex calls are possible on the same frequency. But I think this will only reliably be possible when each radio hears the others, so that a time synchronization is still possible.


Senior Member
Database Admin
Nov 22, 2001
Northwest NJ
Yep, I'm in my 7550e right now updating some BrandMeister talkgroups and came across this in the info description about how their DCDM is the same as 'Simplex TDMA'
Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM) The Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM) feature supports two simultaneous subscriber transmissions within a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth for Direct Mode transmissions. The radios within the same group must use the same timeslot so that the group using timeslot 1 does not interfere with the group using timeslot 2. For proper operation, the radios need to identify and track the timeslot structure. A unique radio is elected as a channel timing leader. The other radios adjust their clocks to synchronize as possible with the channel timing leader.


Public Information Officer
Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2003
New London, CT
Three Questions
1) Does CPS allow TX inhibit?
2) How is the scanning performance? I'd like to scan 8 to 12 channels in a single zone
3) Does the CPS allow multiple 2-tone sets assigned to a single frequency?



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
Three Questions
1) Does CPS allow TX inhibit?
2) How is the scanning performance? I'd like to scan 8 to 12 channels in a single zone
3) Does the CPS allow multiple 2-tone sets assigned to a single frequency?


1. Yes, called "TX Prohibit"
2. Slow like any radio not specifically designed as a scanner. For busy analog channels your miss rate may be higher than you like. For DMR other approaches are available not using typical scanner methods.
3. Analog channels have a 2-tone drop down select box. There is a CPS tab to setup 2 & 5 tone selection. I have know idea if they work as I don't use them.

P.S. Check ConnectSystem website for downloads of the CPS and manuals.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2005
Belvidere IL
Grab it from the usual places.
Official Firmware 2.30 released just hours ago for the AnyTone AT-D868UV.

Looks like a few bugs were fixed and a few added features..As always, read the release notes and firmware updating instructions to the letter.

CPS 1.30 is also included as well as everything needed to perform the update.

Direct download link below:*

V1.30 and V2.30 Improvements (dated 2018-6-25)

1.Resolved the issue that when auto repeater is on, it will be off after the radio is power off and

re-power on .

2.Resolved the issue that when set up the PF2 long press to scan, it can not start the scan normally.

3.Resolved the issue that when in repeater mode, sometimes no RSSI and green light when release

the PTT key.

4.Add the slot switch function in key function

5.Add the auto repeater range, the auto repeater will be auto on within the range, auto off out of

the range.

6.Separate the auto repeater set up for A channel and B channel.

7.In radio ->Main Menu -> Call Log -> [4] Last Call, add 30 last call list

8.Rename the SCT Ver FW in device information to be SCT 3258 Ver

9.In CPS->Digital->Friends List, change the Repeater number to be Call Sign, also change the search

to be non case sensitivity.

10. In CPS->optional setting->Other->Address Book Sent With Its Own Code, allow to on or off. It

meets the requirement: When I do select "12345" from the address book, the TX-Radio transmitts

"12345*262". As echo-link does not use radio-IDs, appending "*262" will cause an error.

The question is, how to switch off the "*262" in this example.

11.change black font in menu bar on home screen to white.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Oct 1, 2014
hi to all..... i whant to buy this radio , for me is the best !!! more best like the HD-1, the RT-82 and MD-2017...

Now some questions:

1) what is the last FW and SW ? and where i download it ?

2) is possible to SCAN in both channels dmr & analogue or not ?

3) how duration in RX for the 2000 and 3,100 mA battery in hours or days ?

4) microphone jack is the strandard model K kenwood or ?

5) in how mode with the keypad i set and put a TG number in the VFO mode ...
i not see this in the manual operation guide , what i to do ?

thnaks for alll, 73


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
hi to all..... i whant to buy this radio , for me is the best !!! more best like the HD-1, the RT-82 and MD-2017...

Now some questions:

1) what is the last FW and SW ? and where i download it ?
Connect Systems

2) is possible to SCAN in both channels dmr & analogue or not ?

3) how duration in RX for the 2000 and 3,100 mA battery in hours or days ?
Don't know, last longer than my listening(2000, several hours).

4) microphone jack is the strandard model K kenwood or ?
Kenwood, but not sure. Link above has accessories.

5) in how mode with the keypad i set and put a TG number in the VFO mode ...
i not see this in the manual operation guide , what i to do ?
Sorry, don't know that either. I use CPS 100% of the time. Manual is behind on the FW/CPS updates.

thnaks for alll, 73

See above... Trying something new not sure how will it will work.
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