I should said 2GHz to 3GHZ
I regularly look at stuff above 2 GHz but most is for those of us who look at radars and other signals that we can not actually decode. Between 2 and 3 GHZ are:
Cell phone/PCS type stuff
And you will not decode any of the above.
There is also:
Satellite beacons between 2.2 and 2.3 GHz which can be interesting to some of us
There are ASR (airport surveillance radars) between 2.7 and 3 GHz
NEXRAD weather radar also between 2.7 and 3 GHz
You will not be able to turn the radar sweeps into any usuable information but for some of us making measurement of their characteristics is an obsession.
Oh, you can also hear the leakage of your and neighbors microwave ovens on 2.45 GHz.
That is about it. You will find no voice and can expect to not find any actual communications that you will be able to make sense out of.
For the vast majority of people the aove will not be of interest but for some of us, it is a place we find more interesting to explore than listening to the local fire, police, etc.