I was given a AOR8600 MK2 scanner on a permanent loan basis and have been using with a 22 inch whip
antenna for over a year now. Yesterday I noticed a loss of sensitivity and checked with a calibrated
signal generator and found VHF & UHF is down around 3 uV instead of the less than 1 uV. The 900 MHz
is still OK at 1 uV. The attenuator still works and was the first thing I checked.
I tried to open up the rcvr but there are too many screws to remove! A well built and shielded piece of
radio equipment from AOR.
I just may have to send back for repair but I hate to have to tell my friend who loaned me the rcvr.
Anyone had a simular problem with this fine radio?
antenna for over a year now. Yesterday I noticed a loss of sensitivity and checked with a calibrated
signal generator and found VHF & UHF is down around 3 uV instead of the less than 1 uV. The 900 MHz
is still OK at 1 uV. The attenuator still works and was the first thing I checked.
I tried to open up the rcvr but there are too many screws to remove! A well built and shielded piece of
radio equipment from AOR.
I just may have to send back for repair but I hate to have to tell my friend who loaned me the rcvr.
Anyone had a simular problem with this fine radio?