I am not against using 144.39 but I am involved now with something I am trying to work out. I am a long time player on APRS but recently my fire department has asked me to set it up for our CERT team (many are hams) to set up for search and rescue so that we can track our people and the searches they are doing. All very doable. We will assume that they will be connected through Igates and the data is available on aprs-is or other webpages. What I need to be able to do is sort out them from all the other traffic in near realtime. By near I mean every 5 minutes or so would probably be adequate. My first assumption is that there would be an igate available so starting initially is going to be from the internet. First question, has anyone collected data from aprs-is.net? I am a long time programmer but haven't done a lot of api work. I have been able to get data from other API's but so far I haven't been able to figure out their method yet. Any help with that would be an enormous help. If I can make calls to that, I would be able to parse the data to separate out the people involved in our searches. Second, can the tocall category be used to specifically identify our people instead of having to sift through the callsigns?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks in advance for any help.