The ARRL is not in the health care business. Grouper is a way for people with certain health care plans to get a discount as a result of their ARRL membership.
Yes you are correct. My last full time employment was with the dubious United Healthcare, so I know what they are trying to do…UHC had many similar initiatives with other companies with the excuse that they could help lower costs.
Right or wrong, I just felt that arrl should stick to radio etc and not directly associate themselves with other for profit companies without explaining how this helps amateur radio or if there is any money being exchanged.
I know, this was done to show they are providing another benefit of membership, but it is mostly directed at folks on medicare and definitely not to younger people where the future lies. If I was a new or younger member, I, too would question the reason for this since it continues to perpetuate the “old folk” image of ham radio.