From what I'm hearing on my 785 and 396, it sounds like Asbury Park PD (471.2875) is now P25 digital encrypted.
DJ88 said:From what I'm hearing on my 785 and 396, it sounds like Asbury Park PD (471.2875) is now P25 digital encrypted.
Whether it is worth it is up to individuals. A few years ago I resolved to never buy a non-PL/DPL-squelching receiver again, but they seem to be worth it for you (unless you're using old gear from before PL/DPL ability was common).N2ZGE said:It makes you wonder if it's really worth purchasing those expensive digital scanners, when these police departments are going straight to encrypted anyway. Eventually, it seems that it won't make a difference whether you own an analog scanner or a digital scanner since you still won't be able to monitor these departments either way. I'm sure some of you will disagree with me, but I believe I do have a point here.