Austin Police - Encryption

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Dec 24, 2015
Yes, I am very familiar with the Montgomery County buffoons. If the "E" trend continues, I will likely sell my radios for guitars or FX lenses.

Also- Back in March of 2021 an individual who used to be associated with my news group impersonated a Chaplain and showed up to a SWAT scene in Magnolia. Took us over a year to find out, and when we did, we booted him immediately. It angered the entire MCSO team, and understandably so. There's more information I cannot give out, but the situation was angering for all of us.

When the Sheriff found out about this the following morning, he went ahead and pushed for encryption to go forward 6 weeks later. The original timeline was late 2022-2023. They went dark on May 3, 2021, all because of someone deciding to do something stupid.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Over the years (many, I have to say) I've come to the conclusion that very few criminals actually monitor police communications anyway. It's too complicated and time consuming and most of them have little to gain from listening to the PO-lice anyway, except possibly in the case of detective surveillance being done on them. In that case, the CI's will inform the detectives that the crooks have scanners and the detectives will usually work around that by going to some obscure back channel or encrypt their communications. I think this encryption is just what most posters are saying that it is-an attempt to keep the citizens in the dark about what they have a right to know about.

I don't know how encryption could work in Harris County anyway because HPD, HCSO and the constables still use the old system of calling for wreckers on the air, rather than using the next out system that a lot of cities use. If they went encrypted, they would have to go to the next out system, because there's no way that the wreckers would be able to listen to the cops when the common citizen isn't able to.
I've talked to bad guys that say the only time Police use "tactical" frequencies/groups is 10 seconds before the flash bang is tossed through the window so its not worth it to them to bother scanning. Dope fiends don't own property long enough to use it to their advantage and Many of the PO-Leece I've talked to worry more about the media than the guy at home listening.

Austin is the new San Diego, they DO pay taxes to support encryption because they believe in the matrix.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
I've talked to bad guys that say the only time Police use "tactical" frequencies/groups is 10 seconds before the flash bang is tossed through the window so its not worth it to them to bother scanning. Dope fiends don't own property long enough to use it to their advantage and Many of the PO-Leece I've talked to worry more about the media than the guy at home listening.

Austin is the new San Diego, they DO pay taxes to support encryption because they believe in the matrix.
I don't understand your last statement regarding "the matrix." WTF?


Jul 23, 2017
San Marcos, Texas
I was thinking to myself the same thing, with all the pressure Abbott has been putting on the city for their efforts to defund the PD, as well as having a larger trooper presence to enforce laws that the city wants to ignore. Probably is political and may be a spark we need to

IMO, it's a political decision, not a public safety one.

As the radio programming expert for my agency, I have heard through the OEM about them going encrypted for a lot longer than DPS increasing their presence in Austin or Abbott putting pressure on COA.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
As the radio programming expert for my agency, I have heard through the OEM about them going encrypted for a lot longer than DPS increasing their presence in Austin or Abbott putting pressure on COA.
Hiding your activities from the public you serve and owe your existence to is still not good though. Public servants of all nature should strive to be open and courteous to the taxpayers, and yes, that includes themselves. Whether it is a police or fire chief encrypting their daily general activities, a county official banning recording in public areas, or an athletic director locking out the taxpayers from running on “his” fancy $3 million track when not in official use. Yes that last one is personal 😂


Jul 23, 2017
San Marcos, Texas
Hiding your activities from the public you serve and owe your existence to is still not good though. Public servants of all nature should strive to be open and courteous to the taxpayers, and yes, that includes themselves. Whether it is a police or fire chief encrypting their daily general activities, a county official banning recording in public areas, or an athletic director locking out the taxpayers from running on “his” fancy $3 million track when not in official use. Yes that last one is personal 😂
Oh absolutely agree with you, I hate encryption with a passion. If it were up to me, I would require angencies that want encryption to openly broadcast their radio traffic on the internet, delayed obviously.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Never. Not my cup of tea.
In the movie "The Matrix" most humans never knew they were programs in a computer generated life, they just lived and accepted. Austinites are a lot the same, they believe in things you and I don't such as encryption, obscuring the truth, they go on living as if nothing is happening and Government can do what it wants without repercussion. All the while Aliens encircle the planet while sasquatch runs surveillance missions on the ground in preparation for the final attack!


Nov 8, 2021
Hiding your activities from the public you serve and owe your existence to is still not good though. Public servants of all nature should strive to be open and courteous to the taxpayers, and yes, that includes themselves. Whether it is a police or fire chief encrypting their daily general activities, a county official banning recording in public areas, or an athletic director locking out the taxpayers from running on “his” fancy $3 million track when not in official use. Yes that last one is personal 😂
Well, as President Nixon used to say, "let me say this about that..." :cool:

I lived in the Houston/Galveston area until I moved (temporarily, I hope) to Europe. How does the American media usually find out about crimes that have just occurred, are in progress, etc.? They're driving around in vans (roving reporters) listening to police scanners, then they go straight to the scene. That's illegal in all European countries, because listening to police broadcasts are illegal.

So, where does the media in Europe get its info about crime? From the police press office. The police only tell the media/citizens what they want them to hear-which isn't much. Shootings, major crimes happen here all the time and they're never reported in the media (some are but most aren't) because the government wants the populace to believe they live in a "nice, peaceful place" and the facts just might disturb them.

I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen if most police agencies go encrytped here. The transparency that we've had for so long will go out the window and we'll only know what the government wants us to know.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
The days of "spot news" are mostly in the past. It was mostly photogs (still and video) doing the driving around as the "talent" did whatever it was they did. I knew a couple of dozen print and TV photogs over the years and installed radios for many of them. Four, five, six or more scanners were not unusual for many of the guys.

Now it's mostly assignment editors listening to scanners in the office and sending photogs out to get B Roll or pick up the talent and bring them out for a live stand up. Said live stand up often being the place where a fire, crime, accident, or something else occurred hours before and nothing is currently happening. But, it's a "live shot" which is supposed to excite viewers.

ENG also changed the landscape as photogs, still or video, no longer have to race back to the studio, newspaper, or a designated spot where the courier will pick up the raw film or tape and bring it back. Now it's all broadcast via microwave back to the studio.

Someone scoffed in another thread when I mentioned a potential First Amendment issue. People should remember that the First Amendment applies not only to the public, but to the media as well. Even if the media illicitly obtains information and publishes it, they are immune to prosecution. See the Daniel Ellsburg case if you want to see why.

TXDispatcher1 has it exactly right. Sadly, big city Mayors and other officials appear to be using encryption for political, not public safety, reasons.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
"The days of "spot news" are mostly in the past. It was mostly photogs (still and video) doing the driving around as the "talent" did whatever it was they did."
So true, I've been complaining about this for a few years now. In DFW the News stations now pool a couple helicopters and even they are mostly used for "b" roll as they are too slow to get to any Breaking News. Spot News is non-exsistent, replaced by biased social and polictical news stories. The only outlet for Spot/Breaking News is on Social Media provided by a few of us Scanner Hobbyist. And Encryption severely limits that at times.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Public Safety feeds the media with what they want it to know then the media feed us with just enough to scare us to keep watching. At some point the USA will operate on a tetra type network I think FirstNET was supposed to be the start, Had Nextel not screwed with the 800 band and did that goofy reband it would probably still be a thing. POC I believe will eventually become the communications system of choice in America though it won't solve the interop problem. So a Police device like an ANYSECU POC/RF Android device could be a possibility down the road. Of course this would be something developed after the Great reset and nuclear Armageddon but before the beast slaps the mark of Apple on everyone's face and hand and makes em all renounce good!


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Public Safety feeds the media with what they want it to know then the media feed us with just enough to scare us to keep watching. At some point the USA will operate on a tetra type network I think FirstNET was supposed to be the start, Had Nextel not screwed with the 800 band and did that goofy reband it would probably still be a thing. POC I believe will eventually become the communications system of choice in America though it won't solve the interop problem. So a Police device like an ANYSECU POC/RF Android device could be a possibility down the road. Of course this would be something developed after the Great reset and nuclear Armageddon but before the beast slaps the mark of Apple on everyone's face and hand and makes em all renounce good!
I used to think of this stuff as Babylon Bee material, but then their satire became closer to the truth. Information control is absolutely a goal of the elite, if the last three years haven’t made that abundantly clear.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Motorola has been rolling out VIQI an AI in the APX Next devices. It would not shock me to see VIQI replace the human altogether one day. Perfect the AI and you eliminate the need for a INFO or NCIC Channel/Talkgroup and eventually the need for a trunking system. Now Public safety has total control and can be transparent if they want to.

I think Austin PD has become so interweaved into the politics especially with so many out of state companies and elite people moving in they have forgot the Good ole Texas Transparency for all while succumbing to the corporate giants that privacy is better than transparency. Now then they can distribute the information 'they' think we need to hear on their terms. Our television networks are just happy to get a taste of a story that they'll never question further. Look at Ft. Worth right now with all these shootings, citizens demanding answers and video and FWPD's like "Nah" With encrypted radio systems who is going to protest? A few disgruntled citizens? Ha! Their easily dealt with while the majority will just go on living oblivious to the new layers of control being dispatched against the people.

I'm sorry to all those in the Austin area that scan, Hey, not sure what your circumstances are but, Traffic in the boonies is always better the IH-35 through Austin maybe this is a sign telling you its time to move?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2003
I saw another article some were that an Austin business man talking about how Austin going to look like San Francisco in 2 years.
Business owners warn Austin is 'Just few years behind San Francisco' as homeless, crime crises escalates. Fox News Business.
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