Austin Police - Encryption

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2016
Oklahoma City
When I was a stringer in Austin a few years ago, the majority of the cops were pretty cool to me. They learned that stringers aren’t what they’re portrayed like on TV and in the movies. They knew I had a job to do and I knew they had a job to do. I respected them and stayed out of their way and they respected me and let me do my job (sometimes Baker sector cops would get their panties in a wad, but that was mainly just in the upscale parts of town where they didn’t want rich people to freak out about news crews showing up). County on the other hand, always freaked out when they had a camera show up and would push us back as far as legally possible (and sometimes questionably farther) and tell us nothing about the story for days after inquiring. Even BS non injury crashes or pursuits. I’m surprised they didn’t encrypt.

They used to do the whole “media is on scene” thing on the radio, but a lot of the time it was so Watch Command knew we’d be calling for info or a supervisor knew we were there so they could come over and brief us. I’d occasionally get the sudden “we’re expanding the crime scene” thing depending on what part of town I was in. But I just set up behind where they put their tape.

Here’s the thing. I used professional equipment and conducted myself in a professional manner and in line with journalism ethics while working those streets, and made a lot of very helpful source contacts with officials as a result of my professionalism.

I can tell you since I left, there are no other professional stringers in Austin, actually being paid to put breaking news on TV, aside from the two guys who worked at the company I used to work for after I left. And they no longer work there. And a photog who works at one of the stations on nights and listens to scanners.

There was a page called ATXScan when I was there, and I think he lurks on these forums, that posted calls. But he always did a good job of not posting sensitive calls or at least waiting until after it was over to post. And if he showed up at scenes, he was respectful and not in the way. I also think he was a freelance contractor with one of the stations as well.

I have seen another page recently that posts what seems to be almost every call as it’s dispatched, and shows up at scenes with an iPhone and gets in the way. He does not get paid to put news on TV, he just gives it to them for free.

There’s a line between professionals and amateurs when it comes to news. I’ve shot news in several large cities long enough to know where I can and can’t legally be, or if I am in the way of the cops or fire/EMS. If I challenged someone who told me I can’t be somewhere, it was because I knew I had the right to be there, and most of the time, their supervisor would come over and sort it all out and we could come to an agreement and go on about all of our jobs.

A lot of these amateurs/hobbyist/cop watchers think just because we have a 1st amendment right in this country, they can stand wherever they want to and be completely disrespectful to the officials at the scene just because they say their media/press…which is not how it works. You have a right to film from where you can legally be and doesn’t interfere with their jobs, which are more important. That is a fast track to encryption and agencies hating the media.

Unfortunately, a lot of the amateurs/hobbyist/auditors are misinformed and are ruining it for everyone and making it harder for the real stringers/journalists to make a living and the scanner listeners to listen.

I’m not surprised that Austin is talking about encrypting. There were some auditors out there when I was there, no clue if those idiots are still out there or not. Funny how they would harass APD, who was pretty cool to the media and pretty transparent, but never TCSO who were almost always a pain to deal with.

I just hope that they give the media access in some way if it does happen…and preferably not the 3 hour late Twitter posts like they have been doing.
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Jun 4, 2015
I want to let you guys know there not encrypting Austin cause of photographers getting in the way or showing up or listening in it’s because of this ( And also I want to add to⬆Stringing in ATX area is vard hard and not easy to find I should know cause I think he was mentioning me going around with a iPhone getting in the way and I’ll be happy to post the pm I sent to him. I can tell you that those people he’s mentioning as him being “Stringer” are not stringers there probably consider freelance photographer or journalist it is extremely hard to become a stringer here and you make little money doing and if you stay in the county like me you get paid vary rarely. He’s probably was the person who showed up late to scenes like the news station crew where as “Stringers” they show up pretty much when the first 911 call dispatch comes out on the radio so yeah stringing business is vary hard but if bills like (Bill Text - SB-1000 Law enforcement agencies: radio communications.) this can be passed than LoudLabs or Onscene will be in the ATX area however since they heard about encrypting they don’t want to come until they know it’s officially going to happened or it’s continue to be talk. And if Abbot can pass a bill like the Sb1000 than Williamson County and every city will half to be unencrypted.


Jun 4, 2015
Yeah after taking a closer look at KI5IRE he definitely is someone from news channel who shows up to scenes late and not someone who is called a stringer I didn’t pay much attention until reading it again know but as he mention he’ll be calling in the police for news coverage that’s not what stringers do especially in LA I was never in LA but I can tell you I have friends there that are “Stringers” and they don’t call police for answers that’s the new’s job once you send footage especially if they want more information. So yeah and also there’s a reason why I don’t go into Austin it’ll be a lot of potential just to much fing homeless and some much stuff that’s gonna make my last reply turn even longer of a reply but I’m mainly in the Manor area and since the. Manor Police know’s or are getting to know me they really don’t care that I’m there cause they know I’ll give them crap for doing **** actually I was on scene of a search near my house of a Felony strangulation suspect that ran from officers on foot TCSO deputy saw me and said it’s not safe rn to be here since k-9 around so go to the Gas Station up the street and I’ll have the Manor supervisor talk to you. When the search was over he did and shortly after they found the suspect I got on scene and the supervisor wasn’t there yet but there was this cop that was like you need to turn around and leave know and I said unless you have yellow tape I’m stating I already know Exactly what happened so yeah he didn’t give me any crap since I act like I was walking away but I came back when the supervisor got there when he got done doing what he was doing and he saw me again guess what not a peep out of him. Gee I wonder why.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2016
Oklahoma City
I want to let you guys know there not encrypting Austin cause of photographers getting in the way or showing up or listening in it’s because of this ( And also I want to add to⬆Stringing in ATX area is vard hard and not easy to find I should know cause I think he was mentioning me going around with a iPhone getting in the way and I’ll be happy to post the pm I sent to him. I can tell you that those people he’s mentioning as him being “Stringer” are not stringers there probably consider freelance photographer or journalist it is extremely hard to become a stringer here and you make little money doing and if you stay in the county like me you get paid vary rarely. He’s probably was the person who showed up late to scenes like the news station crew where as “Stringers” they show up pretty much when the first 911 call dispatch comes out on the radio so yeah stringing business is vary hard but if bills like (Bill Text - SB-1000 Law enforcement agencies: radio communications.) this can be passed than LoudLabs or Onscene will be in the ATX area however since they heard about encrypting they don’t want to come until they know it’s officially going to happened or it’s continue to be talk. And if Abbot can pass a bill like the Sb1000 than Williamson County and every city will half to be unencrypted.
Yeah after taking a closer look at KI5IRE he definitely is someone from news channel who shows up to scenes late and not someone who is called a stringer I didn’t pay much attention until reading it again know but as he mention he’ll be calling in the police for news coverage that’s not what stringers do especially in LA I was never in LA but I can tell you I have friends there that are “Stringers” and they don’t call police for answers that’s the new’s job once you send footage especially if they want more information. So yeah and also there’s a reason why I don’t go into Austin it’ll be a lot of potential just to much fing homeless and some much stuff that’s gonna make my last reply turn even longer of a reply but I’m mainly in the Manor area and since the. Manor Police know’s or are getting to know me they really don’t care that I’m there cause they know I’ll give them crap for doing **** actually I was on scene of a search near my house of a Felony strangulation suspect that ran from officers on foot TCSO deputy saw me and said it’s not safe rn to be here since k-9 around so go to the Gas Station up the street and I’ll have the Manor supervisor talk to you. When the search was over he did and shortly after they found the suspect I got on scene and the supervisor wasn’t there yet but there was this cop that was like you need to turn around and leave know and I said unless you have yellow tape I’m stating I already know Exactly what happened so yeah he didn’t give me any crap since I act like I was walking away but I came back when the supervisor got there when he got done doing what he was doing and he saw me again guess what not a peep out of him. Gee I wonder why.
Check your PMs. Feel free to post the PMs you said you'd be happy to post, if you so wish.

Now, can we get back onto the original topic of this thread, please?


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Farmersville, Texas
I want to let you guys know there not encrypting Austin cause of photographers getting in the way or showing up or listening in it’s because of this ( And also I want to add to⬆Stringing in ATX area is vard hard and not easy to find I should know cause I think he was mentioning me going around with a iPhone getting in the way and I’ll be happy to post the pm I sent to him. I can tell you that those people he’s mentioning as him being “Stringer” are not stringers there probably consider freelance photographer or journalist it is extremely hard to become a stringer here and you make little money doing and if you stay in the county like me you get paid vary rarely. He’s probably was the person who showed up late to scenes like the news station crew where as “Stringers” they show up pretty much when the first 911 call dispatch comes out on the radio so yeah stringing business is vary hard but if bills like (Bill Text - SB-1000 Law enforcement agencies: radio communications.) this can be passed than LoudLabs or Onscene will be in the ATX area however since they heard about encrypting they don’t want to come until they know it’s officially going to happened or it’s continue to be talk. And if Abbot can pass a bill like the Sb1000 than Williamson County and every city will half to be unencrypted.
So they already had a encrypted channel to use during the protests, but for some reason, now they want to encrypt every channel?


Jun 4, 2015
So they already had an encrypted channel to use during the protests, but for some reason, now they want to encrypt every channel?
Idk why my post got deleted not gonna start a argument but yeah isn’t it funny tho how Austin Police are encrypting but we still don’t know about Travis county and Travis County has zero channel that are encrypted. With KI5IRE post he said that Austin Police are cool and county guys are not I had problems when I did live there when I was a teenager APD infact threaten to arrest me for something stupid and it wasn’t even a arrestable offense. The county on the other hand has zero problems with me so and I move here into the county from Austin in 2015 so yeah. Austin PD just corrupt I can see why auditors went there and not the county. Or maybe it’s because the county guys know I don’t take **** and the Austin Police hasn’t seen that side of me yet. Also encryption won’t help if somebody who knows how to spot a scene and knows what the scene is if that makes sense it won’t stop the what he called “fake media people” to show up infact you don’t need a scanner to do news it just makes it 100% easier. And Scott live stream once and was in LA and didn’t have a scanner and wasn’t looking on the computer for calls he was just driving around looking for police presents so unless there gonna encrypt people eyes if people are really smart they find a way to out smart the police


Feed Provider
Apr 22, 2021
bruh the only reason the unencrypted talkgroups still exist is probably because not everyone has the new encryption keys loaded yet/new codeplug loaded

bet you bucks they'll unpatch the second they're sure everyone has the above on their units/dispatch consoles


Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2018
Here and there
Because they can. Technology is there and not expensive as it once was and most the time comes default in some form.

Without making a debate or dead horse beating I'll give the legit reasons. Information control, criminal eavesdropping, misinformation on social media such as Twitter and Facebook groups (my peeve that bothers me), streaming, unions and legality issues for the public safety personnel, political parties and their beliefs, tourism and statistics image, safety of personnel, persons programming radios blasting audio traffic in stores or their vehicles in places using it to give a false image or intimidation, illegal incorrectly programmed nas radios causing system issues.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2018
Here and there
Idk why my post got deleted not gonna start a argument but yeah isn’t it funny tho how Austin Police are encrypting but we still don’t know about Travis county and Travis County has zero channel that are encrypted. With KI5IRE post he said that Austin Police are cool and county guys are not I had problems when I did live there when I was a teenager APD infact threaten to arrest me for something stupid and it wasn’t even a arrestable offense. The county on the other hand has zero problems with me so and I move here into the county from Austin in 2015 so yeah. Austin PD just corrupt I can see why auditors went there and not the county. Or maybe it’s because the county guys know I don’t take **** and the Austin Police hasn’t seen that side of me yet. Also encryption won’t help if somebody who knows how to spot a scene and knows what the scene is if that makes sense it won’t stop the what he called “fake media people” to show up infact you don’t need a scanner to do news it just makes it 100% easier. And Scott live stream once and was in LA and didn’t have a scanner and wasn’t looking on the computer for calls he was just driving around looking for police presents so unless there gonna encrypt people eyes if people are really smart they find a way to out smart the police
Give it time. Texas agencies are slowly following suggestions made some time ago in a apsoa convention specially those near border including fire agencies.


Jun 4, 2015
Give it time. Texas agencies are slowly following suggestions made some time ago in a apsoa convention specially those near border including fire agencies.
Meaning encryption honestly at this point I highly doubt there gonna encrypt Austin what people posted months ago on this topic clearly GATRRS wasn’t design for encryption. And I’m starting to see that and I got my point across but a admin wanted to remove my message cause of cussing. The county and sometimes hearing APD there having to communicate with there computer cause there radios are cracking up 😆 and sometimes dispatch can’t hear there transmission but other officer can so yeah sounds like somebody doesn’t know what there doing and sounds like that’s a sign to leave **** alone. Maybe that teach the people not to encrypt. This was a little nicer way of putting it but I don’t see why you can’t shame the government and cuss them out and be embarrassed when clearly none of us are criminals I can grantee you that and the price for the sds100 you think criminals are going out buying sds100’s to see where cops are or try to evade them. So with people using phone with how stupid the government who runs this radio system they don’t realize there a plenty enough delay so if criminals where using it they have a hard time using it to evade the police and sometimes there miss transmission so yeah
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Meaning encryption honestly at this point I highly doubt there gonna encrypt Austin what people posted months ago on this topic clearly GATRRS wasn’t design for encryption. And I’m starting to see that and I got my point across but a admin wanted to remove my message cause of cussing. The county and sometimes hearing APD there having to communicate with there computer cause there radios are cracking up 😆 and sometimes dispatch can’t hear there transmission but other officer can so yeah sounds like somebody doesn’t know what there doing and sounds like that’s a sign to leave **** alone. Maybe that teach the people not to encrypt. This was a little nicer way of putting it but I don’t see why you can’t shame the government and cuss them out and be embarrassed when clearly none of us are criminals I can grantee you that and the price for the sds100 you think criminals are going out buying sds100’s to see where cops are or try to evade them. So with people using phone with how stupid the government who runs this radio system they don’t realize there a plenty enough delay so if criminals where using it they have a hard time using it to evade the police and sometimes there miss transmission so yeah
I am curious. How did you determine that none of us are criminals? Yes, there are some recalcitrant offenders who would buy a SDS 100/200. From what I have gathered, those who sell illicit drugs have money to burn. Some of these individuals have so much cash, storing it becomes a problem.

In Waco, I heard law enforcement actually talking about an individual of interest. They said, "I wonder if (name omitted) is listening to us on the scanner." I laughed so hard after hearing theses transmissions.

Speaking from experience and repeated RR transgressions, I would highly recommend staying off the moderator's hit list. It is not fun to be gagged from participating in forums. I used to be "out of control" in forums. In my case, I was off of my medication.

Although I am mourning my loss over APD, hopefully TCSO won't follow suit.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
I'll agree with Ensnared in that we don't tend to keep posters around that constantly denigrate public officials on here, no matter how valid the arguments may be either real or opinion. The owner has a site to run here and does have a good relationship with several agencies across the country, and public bashing of uniform officers and radio users and the admins of their systems by posters here is seen many times over by people in this state daily when it happens. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but if it gets too personal or targeted, expect to see moderator action.
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