Cbandguy said:
For some time now, I have been receiving horrible shortwave reception on my radio.
Funny you should mention it.... I live in this little valley near Philthydelphia and I get almost no HF til 4pm. VHF/UHF are unaffected. It has been this way since I started listening earlier this year.
I have 80' of twinlead 20' in the air, which performed best. I just put 240'+ of 14stranded in a fence loop, which is roughly equivalent to the twinlead but with much less noise.
My last idea is to erect a Windom between 2 trees over my roof. If that fails, I can't afford a tower for SWL. As this will only be about 35' in the air, I'm not sure it will make that much of a difference. The only other idea is a preamp, as I have to crank the rcvr gain to get anything anyway.
Hammarlund HQ140X -refurbed
Hallicrafters S-120 -just aligned
Grundig YB400
80' twinlead antenna
80' longwire
60' slinky dipole
slinky vertical
240+' fence loop
20' Grundig windup antenna on 2nd flr
cold water ground
electrical ground
homemade tuner/switchbox
I have swapped out everything in the path with no improvement - still no HF til 4pm. I can't even get WWV. Everyone agrees that `This is Weird."
I got a lot of traffic last weekend with the contest but very little since.
Your suggestions would be appreciated.