I would still mount them at the antenna(s) and you can place a low noise preamp right after each filter then combine them. The 3dB or so loss from combining will not matter since it would be after a preamp.
Here is a great little preamp for that frequency range with about .55dB noise figure, 18dB gain, 1dB compression point of 16dBm and an IP3 of 30dBm. All good specs for $60 brand new. I'm using one right now on a 900MHz repeater front end.
Ahhh, I see. Thanks for the link, it looks good and the price isn't bad.
Yet another question, about powering the preamp, not just this one but I was planing to use preamps on at least three other antennas I was wanting to put up in the future.
I was looking at Bias Tee's and to buy three sets, and now a fourth set, one for inside and one for outside at the antenna, it is getting pretty expensive. I wanted to get your opinion on my choice that I had been planing to use for all of my preamps.
I had previously chosen this one for inside, to inject power into the coax cable. I liked the BNC connector because it is secure and easy to connect:
Mini-Circuits $82.95 for one seems a bit high.
This is the one I has chosen for outside at the antenna to power the preamp:
https://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=ZFBT-282-1.5A+ $59.95 is a little better but when buying four of these the price gets steep .
The preamps seem to run off of 5V so the Bias Tee's shouldn't "need" to be that expensive should they? Right now, with my current choices, I'm looking to spend about $572 just to power four preamps for four different antennas. That doesn't include the cost of the preamps them selves, the attenuators nor the common mode choke I may put at either end of the coax for certain antennas.
Then I need an enclosure at the antenna to protect the components. To house the choke and other components and to have room to work I was looking at the outdoor version:
WH-22 $62.82
A mounting panel:
WH-22K $17.10
A pole mount kit:
PK-127 $53.11
Needless to say, at the moment with my current thinking and choices I'm looking to spend many hundreds of dollars for each antenna to support a preamp for each antenna. . .
I've been hesitating to add preamps to anything because of the associated cost of all of the the other components that go along with a preamp. Maybe you have some different ideas or could straighten out my thinking?
Thanks again