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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Base Antenna Basics...


May 10, 2024
So what's the difference in just running an 18' copper wire up a fiberglass flagpole? Or conduit for that matter? Or just 18' of copper pipe?


Jan 13, 2024
Green Bay
So what's the difference in just running an 18' copper wire up a fiberglass flagpole? Or conduit for that matter? Or just 18' of copper pipe?
Not much really. You can make antennas out of pretty much anything. I guess "ease of setting up" is where a prefabbed antenna sells vs the "at home do it yourselfer" creations.

My old neighbor years ago used his chain link fence for 11 meter, and grounded it to a rod he buried in the river behind his house. Talked all over with that setup.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
So what's the difference in just running an 18' copper wire up a fiberglass flagpole? Or conduit for that matter? Or just 18' of copper pipe?
The A99 is a half wave end fed and the feedpoint impedance would be very high, like 2500 ohms maybe more. There is a matching transformer or other device in the base that matches the very high impedance to 50 ohms. If you just connect 18ft or a 1/2 wavelength of wire or aluminum tubing to your coax its not gonna work.

Hey, that link to the 1/2 wave end fed stuff is pretty cool, who does that?
Nov 1, 2023
The A99 is a half wave end fed and the feedpoint impedance would be very high, like 2500 ohms maybe more. There is a matching transformer or other device in the base that matches the very high impedance to 50 ohms. If you just connect 18ft or a 1/2 wavelength of wire or aluminum tubing to your coax its not gonna work.

Hey, that link to the 1/2 wave end fed stuff is pretty cool, who does that?
49:1 I believe is used for that!!!


Nov 21, 2024
Southern Maryland
I built an end fed 1/2wave as described by prcguy in the linked thread. It’s been up as a base for about a week. So far with this antenna I gained a couple miles range on AM to my mobile when compare to my homemade dipole hung vertical in almost the same location and height.

Home Base antenna issues/set up Suggestions
Attached a picture of the end fed 1/2 wave mentioned above. The black box in the circle houses the transformer. A smaller box could definitely be used. The height in the tree is good but the tree is in the bottom of a gully. The feed point is basically at roof level maybe a little higher.


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Jan 28, 2003
San Diego, California
The info on the Antron A99, the Hi-Gain Penetrator and the Sirio 2016 5/8 caught my eye.

The Antron I know works reasonably well on 10 - 20 meters, but are the other two "in the ballpark" for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters ops; i.e. equal in performance for those bands?

If not, then is/are there a vertical antenna that are? I've been off HF for over 14 years and I'd like to get back on with as little fuss as possible, [i.e. no radials] until I get my mast and dipole back on the air.

All suggestions would be most gratefully received!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and please keep our brave young men and women in our armed forces in your thoughts...
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
The Penetrator and 2016 are both 5/8 wave with ground radials providing a little more performance than an A99 or dipole. There is no multiband 10, 12, 15, 17, 20m omni antenna that would come close to those as multiband antennas all have some compromises. If you consider a directional antenna then you can get some better performance on all those bands and more. My NA4RR Hexbeam covers 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20m and works great, noticeably better than my Hy-Gain Penetrator on 10m.


Aug 23, 2024
Agreed. A multi-band antenna has its limits, and isn't going to provide the best swr across all bands.
The Tram 1498 has a bit better adjustment than the A99, and does fine on 10, 11, 12 meter, but you would probably want to take it down to tune for 15, 17, and 20.

If you're wanting something temporary, perhaps look at the HF-008 by Raddiodity?