I'm on the search for an antenna to improve my reception of the 700MHz trunked radio system in my area, the Maritime Public Safety Radio Network.
Ideally, I'd like to mount an antenna in my attic, the roof is shingles, not steel. From my house, I can currently get 3 sites (although 2 of them can be hit and miss) with just a cheap $20 mag mount wideband off Amazon setting on the desk beside the scanner.
I have 1 site in my town, just a few blocks over. I have 2 sites to my west at 18 km and 29 km respectively and 2 sites to my east at 22 km and 33 km respectively that I would like to monitor. There are more sites further east and even across the straight in New Brunswick but that's pushing almost 50 km.
These distances are measured in a straight line from my house right to the tower using google maps. Terrain should not be an issue, my province is basically flat, at least in my part of the county.
Any guidance and suggestions are welcome. I only plan to monitor 700, if anything else it would be VHF within my own town so very local.
I've been doing lots of research between discone and yagi and have been leaning more towards a yagi, pointed to the east as that's where I'm more concentrated on receiving. But then I've also been looking at using a 700MHz mobile antenna with a good ground plane. I'm no expert on antennas!
Ideally, I'd like to mount an antenna in my attic, the roof is shingles, not steel. From my house, I can currently get 3 sites (although 2 of them can be hit and miss) with just a cheap $20 mag mount wideband off Amazon setting on the desk beside the scanner.
I have 1 site in my town, just a few blocks over. I have 2 sites to my west at 18 km and 29 km respectively and 2 sites to my east at 22 km and 33 km respectively that I would like to monitor. There are more sites further east and even across the straight in New Brunswick but that's pushing almost 50 km.
These distances are measured in a straight line from my house right to the tower using google maps. Terrain should not be an issue, my province is basically flat, at least in my part of the county.
Any guidance and suggestions are welcome. I only plan to monitor 700, if anything else it would be VHF within my own town so very local.
I've been doing lots of research between discone and yagi and have been leaning more towards a yagi, pointed to the east as that's where I'm more concentrated on receiving. But then I've also been looking at using a 700MHz mobile antenna with a good ground plane. I'm no expert on antennas!
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