The system can adapt to both Phase 1 or Phase 2.
Bay County Sheriffs Office and Lynn Haven Police have Harris radios for sure.
Those are programmed for Phase 2.
Fire departments use Motorola radios, PCPD uses XTL2500 in their cars. they are programmed for P25.
That's why my scanner (that's only capable of Phase 1) can pick up 1 snippet of a conversation on SO dispatch.
It probably just means that they have a Motorola radio they are talking on at the moment.
So yes, they can switch back in forth depending on what is being used. We will see how well the system holds up once they start installing more towers, I think there will be 7 total.
Don't know how that needs to be expressed on the RR Page, but places like the airport, PCPD, and fire is almost 100% P1. other TGs are come and go depending on the subscriber radio, thats what probably needs to be changed.