BFIFM790 said:
Lets just say for example......
I programed a group with ten channels. Now I realize I want to insert a channel in between channels 3 and 4. Is there a way to create a blank channel in between the two so I can input or paste the information without having to cut and paste channels 4 through 10.
With ten channels its no big deal, but its alot when you have like 50 channels or tgids.
Sorry im dense on this one....Thank you so much
The "Insert & Paste" option won't generally insert a blank line, It will only insert what's on the Windows 'clipboard'. Unless te clipboard is loaded, the option will be grayed out.
To make it insert a blank line, try this:
While in the "System Editor screen", hit the "C" button. This adds a blank new channel at the bottom of your list. The Channel Name fiel will be highlighted, but blank.
Using either the standard Windows Copy command, <CTRL><C>, or the copy channel option under the "Edit" menu, copy the blank channel to the 'clipboard'.
Now, highlight with your mouse the line where you want to add one or more blanks for more channels or talk groups. (Just click that line once to select, not a double click).
Using the Edit menu, you'll see the "Insert & Paste" function is no longer grayed out. Select it to add you line.
Repeat to add additional blank lines.
You could have also added the blank at the bottom, added your channel ot talkgroup, then use the cut function, then 'Insert & Paste" that where ever desired.