Overall, this IS A GREAT scanner. And it looks like it's only getting better with upcoming updates and additions. I will try to update this list of my own as I discover new things and issues get resolved.
What I like:
- Being able to easily and quickly Select or Hold on Systems, Sites, Service Tags, Depts.
- Bigger screen with lots of info displayed
- Alert LED light (Like it much better than the whole screen changing colors and blinking like in past radios)
- 'Squelch Open' backlight function seems to work much better than past radios
Radio externals: great tactile feedback buttons, nice shape and weight and don't mind the bigger size compared to the 396XT radios.
- Trunking and Conventional Discovery: great tool for leaving the scanner doing something when not in active use by you
- Recording feature: very nice to replay audio almost as if it was live with all the transmission info on the screen
- UID (Radio ID) alerts with lights and audio
What I don't like:
- Already have some dust specks inside the screen
- STILL won't do P25 Trunked System patches correctly
- Digital AGC: At this time, I'm noticing some Digital AGC issues where it seems to not be regulating audio properly i.e. scratchy or over/under-modulated sounding transmissions
- Analog AGC: I'm not sure if the AGC is doing much on analog frequencies either. More testing will continue.
- Can't see UIDs while on Hold on encrypted TGs anymore
- 'Squelch Open' backlight still not functioning quite right on P25 systems
- A small issue I've notice in the recording feature is the UIDs are not always caught up with audio, so you might get misleading info about the actual radio transmitting
- Automatically recorded audio doesn't get saved indefinitely as I thought. Apparently, if there wasn't any transmissions in the last 4 minutes (240s or whatever setting you have), nothing is recorded. So it records strictly based on time and not on transmission activity. I know I could initiate constant recording manually but would be nice if it would automatically, all the time, save the last 4 minutes and just start overwriting the oldest audio recorded after that. Heck, let's even make it a nice and even 5 minutes instead.
Would like to have:
- Option to stop on or skip encrypted TGs while scanning
- Bring back showing control channel info when paused on one
- Bring back all the TG info while paused on an encrypted TG
- Bring back Control Channel Only during searches
- Screen to light up during turn on (boot up)
- P25 Trunked Radio Emergency Alarms (Radio Emergency Button)
- P25 Pre-emptive Priority
- P25 Talkgroup Patch support
- Different options on what info to display and font size on the screen
- A little more obvious info when locked in to a control channel
- Be able to have an alert on newly discovered TG IDs that come up and are not programmed in radio
What I like:
- Being able to easily and quickly Select or Hold on Systems, Sites, Service Tags, Depts.
- Bigger screen with lots of info displayed
- Alert LED light (Like it much better than the whole screen changing colors and blinking like in past radios)
- 'Squelch Open' backlight function seems to work much better than past radios
Radio externals: great tactile feedback buttons, nice shape and weight and don't mind the bigger size compared to the 396XT radios.
- Trunking and Conventional Discovery: great tool for leaving the scanner doing something when not in active use by you
- Recording feature: very nice to replay audio almost as if it was live with all the transmission info on the screen
- UID (Radio ID) alerts with lights and audio
What I don't like:
- Already have some dust specks inside the screen
- STILL won't do P25 Trunked System patches correctly
- Digital AGC: At this time, I'm noticing some Digital AGC issues where it seems to not be regulating audio properly i.e. scratchy or over/under-modulated sounding transmissions
- Analog AGC: I'm not sure if the AGC is doing much on analog frequencies either. More testing will continue.
- Can't see UIDs while on Hold on encrypted TGs anymore
- 'Squelch Open' backlight still not functioning quite right on P25 systems
- A small issue I've notice in the recording feature is the UIDs are not always caught up with audio, so you might get misleading info about the actual radio transmitting
- Automatically recorded audio doesn't get saved indefinitely as I thought. Apparently, if there wasn't any transmissions in the last 4 minutes (240s or whatever setting you have), nothing is recorded. So it records strictly based on time and not on transmission activity. I know I could initiate constant recording manually but would be nice if it would automatically, all the time, save the last 4 minutes and just start overwriting the oldest audio recorded after that. Heck, let's even make it a nice and even 5 minutes instead.
Would like to have:
- Option to stop on or skip encrypted TGs while scanning
- Bring back showing control channel info when paused on one
- Bring back all the TG info while paused on an encrypted TG
- Bring back Control Channel Only during searches
- Screen to light up during turn on (boot up)
- P25 Trunked Radio Emergency Alarms (Radio Emergency Button)
- P25 Pre-emptive Priority
- P25 Talkgroup Patch support
- Different options on what info to display and font size on the screen
- A little more obvious info when locked in to a control channel
- Be able to have an alert on newly discovered TG IDs that come up and are not programmed in radio