Just released v1.06.10 for your pleasure.
BCD536HP v1.06.10 Revision Notes (4/10/2015) This firmware version includes the following updates, enhancements, and bug fixes:
BCD536HP v1.06.10 Revision Notes (4/10/2015) This firmware version includes the following updates, enhancements, and bug fixes:
- Improved scan rate
- Avoided an issue where a packet length of a specific number of bits locked up the USB driver.
- Fixed a issue that blocked updates if the Wi-Fi module is not connected.
- Implemented Analyze modes
- If RTC battery fails, allows user to continue operation using a temporary time setting
- Blanks the clock display if temporary time setting is used.
- Changes the default names for Favorites Lists, Systems, Sites, and Departments to be based on sequential numbering.
- If temporary time setting is used, confirm before proceeding to:
- Recording
- Discovery mode
- WX Alert Mode
- WX Priority On
- If temporary time is used, Weather Alert logs are not deleted after expiration time.
- If temporary time is used, Weather Alert expiration times are not shown.
- If temporary time is used, Weather Alert logs are deleted after power cycle.
- If temporary time is used, change the Set Clock menu operation.
- Improve P25 voice quality