Stupid ME tried doing the update through the rear port!
I started the updater and selected the port I use for programming and monitoring the scanner which is a rear port connection. The updater started and saw the scanner. The screen turned blue indicating it was in FW update mode. The updater progress bar started moving and bam, the update failed!
Scared the heck outta me until I realized I'd forgot to hookup my front port cable!
All then went well after power cycling the 996XT and setting the correct com port.
My systems are coming in fine so far but little time to test for long.
Paul - I'm glad to see you are making the older FW versions available for use with the new 3.xx firmware updater! I think that was a wise move for those that would like to revert back in case of problems.
Thanks for the 996XT update. I'll report back after I have time to test all my P25 simulcast systems withing range.