The first mistake made was to reply to them over the air and confirm they can interfere. During training exercises in the military, radios would be taken by the enemy to see how we would respond.
Bosque county is P25 trunked. The radio could be deactivated or taken off the system. Maybe they have a VHF conventional HH that is used on simulcast to dispatch?
Hopefully some local concerned Hams will try and do a fox hunt on these idiots. They will eventually be caught. I image they have no idea they are soon to be felons due to interfering on purpose with the duties of public safety.
The trunked system for Hill County was within the recent past. I would imagine LE would have priority on the digital radios.
Although the hick city of Gatesville, Texas uses "E", I doubt Valley Mills has the bucks to do this. Hell, they can't even fix their sewer system. Funds might be an issue for Valley Mills. Oddly enough, per inside informants, the "E" issue in GV was tied to a riff between LE and F/EMS, childish behavior on both parts.