I don’t bring any computers to Cozumel. Will try it when I get back home.
The wellbrook even works fine with my tiny Yaesu VX-2R 70cm / 2m handheld no overloading at all plus ditto with my ATS 25. No of course with just the whip it defeats the whole purpose and with the lack of any real gain of course you can't expect much with MW using this. But the low volume level there seems to be a fault here or not I wonder. Anyway I have emailed Alex, see what he saysWhile it's always possible something is amiss in the radio, expecting it to handle a Wellbrook loop with strong MW stations - especially if they are nearby without any filtering - is simply asking for trouble. The Wellbrooks have roughly (if memory serves) some 20db of gain- put that on a strong MW signal, and I'm betting overload and desense issues would be the result.
Take the loop out of the equation and just run on the whip - see what happens Mike