Something absurb in Public Safety ?
not possible. LOL
Oops. Late night spelling, sorry.
What would that actually accomplish form the mutual aid point though? There isn't enough coverage overlap in the case of Bell County/GATRRS and Bell County/HOTRRS to really make full time patches a practical option. Also radios don't seamlessly roam between to desperate systems as they can roam between different WACNs, different SIDs, etc but you need to have common talkgroup IDs to alloww for that due to how the systems are setup in the radios so going from GATRRS to Bell or Bell to HOTRRS doesn't make a ton of sense because Bell County's TGIDs are based off of the old EDACs system, HOTRRS are based off of the old City of Waco SmartNet fleetmap (because Motorola continued to teach fleetmap in the Type II days) so it would take a ton of planning and coordination to make that happen...versus doing what is already in fairly common practice and just issuing IDs on system with interop talkgroups for mutual aid. Responding mutual aid simply switches their radios to the system being used by where they are needed and Bob's your uncle.
They currently have neither. I didn’t mean full-time patches by the way. I agree it would be better to switch to a mutual aid talkgroup on the closest system. I also agree with all of the rest of the facts you stated. Sadly life isnt so simple.
They have some coordination and cooperation issues. Mainly because there are a mix of Motorola and Harris systems, frequencies, and phase 1/phase 2. For example, bell county uses exclusively 700/800 Harris system with supergroups. GATRRS is a mix of 700/800 and VHF. And McLennan is 700/800 but they use phase 1 Motorola & Kenwood radios. All new radio IDs should match the Texas state guidelines, and should be able to be used across any system without interference of RIDs but physical radio units might not be able to cooperate with the neighboring system as well as might be expected if they were all using the latest and greatest stuff. I mean why not just go with LTE at that point 😂. (I’m totally kidding about LTE)
Since they usually work the fringes and coverage overlaps enough a dispatch controlled patch between commonly known mutual-aid talk groups on each system would be the most practical for the ground users at the current date.
In the end, they (the guys that sit around and look at the map without current on the ground experience) want to be able to have talk groups that can be instantly patched through every system from NTIRN, Hill County, HOTRRS, Bell and GATRRS for incidents along IH35 corridor. Mainly for law enforcement, aka DPS & Sheriff, but also major crashes. Nice to think about, a bit interesting to implement.
I apologize. This conversation seems to have got seriously off track from what the OP posted…