Berks 700MHz system
Brian & Ben; Thankyou for your comments in helping clearing up some issues I had with this system.
It just seems to me alot of money to spend when our economy is not good, and people are struggling to keep their homes and jobs. I know many of the fire companies have crossband links which seem to work very well and they don't have alot of money to spend. I wonder when the loans these townships and boroughs have taken are paid up how well the equipment will hold up for the length of the loan they are taking out. Motorola is known to say "we don't make parts to repair anymore; or you have to go to a new system or new radios " as they have told Montgomery County. I'll hope for the best, again thanks for this discussion, I appreciate all your comments.
Brian & Ben; Thankyou for your comments in helping clearing up some issues I had with this system.
It just seems to me alot of money to spend when our economy is not good, and people are struggling to keep their homes and jobs. I know many of the fire companies have crossband links which seem to work very well and they don't have alot of money to spend. I wonder when the loans these townships and boroughs have taken are paid up how well the equipment will hold up for the length of the loan they are taking out. Motorola is known to say "we don't make parts to repair anymore; or you have to go to a new system or new radios " as they have told Montgomery County. I'll hope for the best, again thanks for this discussion, I appreciate all your comments.