That static you hear,unfortunately on the 2052 is because it will not go into AM on the vhf bands(136-150Mhz).This is why I did'nt get one.-Lots of Air National Guard activity here!Between 3 MOAS
I really love my pro 2004 for AM VHF,and 225-400Mhz AM.That is really about all I use it for.
The pro 43 is also a great Mil-Air scanner,good sensitivity.
I use a Pro 26,-it's ok,but low audio.And a Sporty's JD-100(great audio,but only 20 memory channels,programming is a bit awkward compared to a GRE/Radio Shack scanner,but it is still one of my favorites at an air show,after you get the "hang of it",it's not that bad)
-And,it does scan the VHF bands in AM.