Going back to your original question, as an aviator, and amateur radio operator, I'm picky about aircraft radios. I've been thru lots of them. I like to have selectivity, sensitivity, and a quiet-fast AM squelch tail, and good AM AUDIO quality.
As MANY have mentioned, go with a Uniden, such as BCT15X (nice as it has milar too), even the older Unidens, such as the BCT8, and even the little BC355N series (although they have no keypads), all are OUTSTANDING aircraft receivers.
Suprisingly one of the BEST AM receivers I have heard is the ICOM IC-208 tranceiver, I will never sell mine, as I LOVE the sound and quality of it's AM aircraft receiver, and even milar coverage as a bonus.
As MANY have mentioned, go with a Uniden, such as BCT15X (nice as it has milar too), even the older Unidens, such as the BCT8, and even the little BC355N series (although they have no keypads), all are OUTSTANDING aircraft receivers.
Suprisingly one of the BEST AM receivers I have heard is the ICOM IC-208 tranceiver, I will never sell mine, as I LOVE the sound and quality of it's AM aircraft receiver, and even milar coverage as a bonus.