Welcome to the RR forums. What are you using as an antenna on the SDS100? You should expect
simulcast distortion on the other two scanners so I'd forget about tracking anything simulcast using them but you should have a pickup on
Bethlehem's trunked radio system on the 100 (which is optimized to deal with simulcast systems) if you're within
system coverage. Toss the 100's stock antenna aside if you're still using it and pick up a
REMTRONIX REM-820S which is optimized for 700-900 mhz reception. If little to no improvement, try experimenting with different
filters. What's the RF environment like where you are? Any cell towers in close proximity?
Lastly, keep in mind that all law enforcement is fully encrypted in Bethlehem as is every mode "DE" talkgroup in the database so no scanner will be able to pick these up. Also, be sure all service types are turned on for the talkgroups you want to hear (reference "tag" column in the RRDB). By default only
EMS Dispatch,
Fire Dispatch,
Law Dispatch,
Custom 1, and
Multi-Dispatch are enabled, the rest will have to be enabled by the user as needed