Just relocated 35 miles from a P2 system that I really want to continue to monitor. The system is a 850MHz system.
After setting up shop at new home, my SDS100 picks up the system in the upstairs room. It is fitted with a Remtronix antenna.
My SDS200 on the other hand does not pick up even a speck of signal in same place or anywhere else in the home with stock antenna, which is surprising.
My question, is there an antenna that does the same as my Remtronix but more suitable for the 200? I’m trying not to add an external antenna if possible, as I’d like to know my 200 works at least a little bit before going the external investment route.
On the external options, please chime in with suggestions as well.
I am also looking to buy a Unication pager as well, I hear they do really well with distance.
After setting up shop at new home, my SDS100 picks up the system in the upstairs room. It is fitted with a Remtronix antenna.
My SDS200 on the other hand does not pick up even a speck of signal in same place or anywhere else in the home with stock antenna, which is surprising.
My question, is there an antenna that does the same as my Remtronix but more suitable for the 200? I’m trying not to add an external antenna if possible, as I’d like to know my 200 works at least a little bit before going the external investment route.
On the external options, please chime in with suggestions as well.
I am also looking to buy a Unication pager as well, I hear they do really well with distance.