dvferguson said:
Newbie here....
Is it possible to pick up Bluetooth frequencies if you are close enough to someone using it?
The Bluetooth specification calls for 79 1-Mhz channels across the 2.45Ghz ISM band, with frequency hops of up to 1600 hops per second. You could probably pick them up if you had a 2.45Ghz receiver but it wouldn't do you any good as you'd only have the signal 1/20th of each second, and that's not necessarily contiguous.
You'd have to have another Bluetooth device in order to actually "trunktrack" the BT signal. It is possible to then crack the encryption and maybe even obtain data or audio from the compromised device; however, this is illegal and you'd have to be within Bluetooth range of your target at all times... meaning you're pretty likely to get discovered.