Broadcastify Receives Cease and Desist from Terre Haute, IN City Attorney

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
No it's not all in money, you can go to your local city county state board or council meetings. Organize petitions. Not vote for radio improvement measures etc cut off their funding. Petition to remove government leaders that have enacted encryption measures. The list is only limited by your imagination. Just do something.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Greed? Who? The feeders don't make any money off this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dec 30, 2014
Keep up the streaming and your personal enjoyment and peace of mind will be gone.
I'll say no more. We're beating a dead horse. !!

ROTFLMFAO! You know, I have heard that said about carrying firearms, speaking out in public, a number of things... Y'all who are telling people to go to the back of the bus, use only this lunch counter or that water fountain need to get a grip. Encryption is coming with or without streaming. Your government is becoming more tyrannical so they're not going to want you to hear what they are saying!

Some of you sound like a bunch of little children afraid of getting grounded. Grow up. Be men for a change.



Dec 30, 2014
No it's not all in money, you can go to your local city county state board or council meetings. Organize petitions. Not vote for radio improvement measures etc cut off their funding. Petition to remove government leaders that have enacted encryption measures. The list is only limited by your imagination. Just do something.

Spot on!


Dec 30, 2014
Adding to what kd7kdc wrote...

I have been to local government meetings. Many of the local public officials and I know each other on a first-name basis. We are on very good terms. Some consider themselves friends. When there's a problem locally, I talk to them and they talk to me. In my opinion, that is the number one way to improve things with government around you. Be as active as you reasonably can. Burying your head in the sand will not make things better.


Premium Subscriber
May 27, 2015
Hot Springs, AR
How about you just do the decent thing and comply with towns wishes.
How about you actually reading the thread. If you had bothered, you would have noted that the feed provider himself pulled the plug several days ago!

Sorry to kick the soapbox out from under your feet... :D


Aug 2, 2004
Bucks County ,Pennsylvania
I still believe that most of the people that show up at the scene of an accident or fire or police activity, are neighborhood folks that hear the sirens and see the flashing red and blue lights go by their windows, and look to see where the emergency is. If its in the next block or around the corner, they will take a walk to the scene to see for themselves.


Dec 30, 2014
Lindsay, I believe the authorities are concerned about citizens groups that arrive on scene to monitor the police activity, not as hobbyists, but as a method of making sure fellow citizens are not abused by police officers. These groups usually video record the incidents when they arrive.

This action is seen by LE as interference with their activities. I don't know the legalities involved when this happens.

To me it has less to do with "officer safety" than it has to do with LE wanting to keep citizens in the dark about their own actions.

You are correct about keeping citizens in the dark. After a couple of encounters, it no longer tends to bother LE much, which is a good thing. At some regular events, the activists and officers casually chitchat when there is no activity.

However, many of us have our own app to alert us and it doesn't involve scanner feeds. A friend of mine is in the industry and they wrote an app they all use to notify. I have the same app on my cell phone. I have never observed the other activists using streaming scanner feeds for the activity. Most government agent observation is done in one's own area of operation when one is just out walking around. Occasionally an alert will go off over the specialized app. Much of it goes on during an actual protest of things like checkpoints. Among the activists with which I've been involved, scanner isn't really a part of it.


Sep 28, 2003
I am the feed provider for the Terre Haute / Vigo Co. area. I am at this time taking THPD / THFD off the feed. I do not wanna be the reason, everyone can't hear the Terre Haute agencies anymore on their personal scanners. I for sure do not wanna be that guy that somehow puts the officers at risk. I certainly don't wanna be the contributor to Idiots using the feed to do wrong. If need to be I will remove the feed all together so Radio Reference / Broadcastify does not have to deal with this problem.

This action also protects YOU personally against any further legal action should the DA decide to add you to the action. I am quite sure that your legal 'deep pockets' are not nearly as plentiful as this site's owner or the DA.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2015
West of the Mississippi
Funniest thing I read is "Pay My Salary". If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would be able to retire now instead of many years down the road.

Look, we have enough problems out in the streets without every Tom, Dick and Harry showing up to "just see what is going on". Yes, this is only 0.5% of the listeners/hobbiest, but, again, it only takes one of those people to get killed to have everything encrypted.

I don't want to see everything go encrypted. We have scanners in our vehicles as well and the last thing we want is them to go quiet with encryption. Granted, radio will advise us of information passed on by other agencies, but it is nice for us to hear what isn't passed on (yes, believe it or not, all the information isn't always relayed).

Just my $0.02 worth as a public safety officer who really does care about the safety and well being of John Q Citizen.



Nov 21, 2014
Our local "air wolf" is encrypted. So, when I've heard a police helo buzzing low in lazy eights for 1/2 hour at night, and I want to know if it is safe to go outside, or it the car that just pulled up with the smashed front end might be wanted, or if the guy in the bushes across the street might be wanted for an armed robbery...

I can't tell. I can't tell if I'm in danger. I can't help the cops if they can't see what I've seen. So encryption helps prevent the one bad guy from knowing what the cops know, but it also ensures the cops won't have an extra pair (dozen? hundred?) of eyes and ears, and it ensures the general public won't know if there's an imminent danger.

It's a two-way sword.

Walking home one night, I passed through a huge swarm of cops and detectives coming down boith sides of the street. I asked one detective what was going on, and he didn't say a word, just kept walking. So I spoke up to his back ad said "You know, I grew up here. I know where every basement and back staircase case, and which of these buildings are all connected underground. But hey, I'm sure you'll ever need to know that, and you'll never need my help, right?"

All of a sudden, he found a curt minute to admit they were "looking for someone". Dumb detective, the guy could have gone into any one of a dozen basements and popped out on another street without ever being seen. And they just never thought about that, they didn't have any idea where they were.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
We discussed this in the IN forums to death. THPD is being stalked by Meth Dealers that wish to cause issues, including making threats and attacking THPD officers. They run the cell phone apps to find where THPD will be and make it a point to go there to cause problems. This caused THPD to stop using Dispatch, and go to Tac 1 which is E. Then after the switch to P-25, they still use T1. They will never go back to any open coms again. End of story. THFD is still clear on dispatch etc, for now, but will most likely go E once all the kinks are worked out after the upgrade to P25. Welcome to the world we live in where Public Safety Agencies have to be afraid of us all as they can not tell John Q Public from Dope Man Jones until too late. I for one am not a fan of encrypted dispatches, and most certainly not firegrounds. But it is what it is unless you can get an big enough group for an lawsuit, and in THPD case, that won't matter as they have proven officer safety issues. Now in other areas like Little Rock, AR its is an different animal. So on with the show.


Oct 28, 2002
Columbus, GA
We discussed this in the IN forums to death. THPD is being stalked by Meth Dealers that wish to cause issues, including making threats and attacking THPD officers. They run the cell phone apps to find where THPD will be and make it a point to go there to cause problems. This caused THPD to stop using Dispatch, and go to Tac 1 which is E. Then after the switch to P-25, they still use T1. They will never go back to any open coms again. End of story. THFD is still clear on dispatch etc, for now, but will most likely go E once all the kinks are worked out after the upgrade to P25. Welcome to the world we live in where Public Safety Agencies have to be afraid of us all as they can not tell John Q Public from Dope Man Jones until too late. I for one am not a fan of encrypted dispatches, and most certainly not firegrounds. But it is what it is unless you can get an big enough group for an lawsuit, and in THPD case, that won't matter as they have proven officer safety issues. Now in other areas like Little Rock, AR its is an different animal. So on with the show.

So if the feed goes away (which it did), what is stopping the Meth Dealers from just buying a scanner and continuing to listen in? That is what I don't really get about all the people screaming about feeds, if the criminals really want to listen in, all they need to do is buy/steal a scanner, they don't really need the feeds. Actually, they would get much more info from a scanner because none of the TAC stuff is even broadcast in the feeds.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 3, 2004
Concord, NC
Somebody always screwing with the honest man and his hobby.

I still think the Fire and Ops channels should be open.

I also think the only police and sheriff channels that should be encrypted are the Narcotics, Vice, and Swat channels. Hospital patient reports should be encrypted because of HIPPA laws and regulations.

All others should be open to the people that are interested in monitoring.

Also seems like here lately Fire and Police take the bashing of encrypting there transmissions. What about all the other services that a city offers (ie. Public Works, Buses, Transportation).

Just my thoughts



Dec 30, 2014
if the criminals really want to listen in, all they need to do is buy/steal a scanner, they don't really need the feeds. Actually, they would get much more info from a scanner because none of the TAC stuff is even broadcast in the feeds.



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Henrico County, VA
When I am away from home, I listen to streams to hear what is going on. I doubt I am the only one.

Far from the only one! I various feeds from places where I have family and good friends; all over the county. At home, of course, I have several scanners at the ready.

The feeds are very useful, not to mention fun!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Henrico County, VA
The first step in getting "off the couch" is by donating and collecting money. After all, lawyers, court costs, and and administration fees are not cheap.

How much can you donate to Broadcastify for legal expenses at this time ?

I'm not taking on the Local Governments nor do I care to donate any money to a cause that is purely fueled by greed. Greed of the feeders. But like it has been stated earlier, we are beating a dead horse already. #PoorHorsey

So, should the people providing feeds just do it for free? Why? There are expenses incurred to provide these feeds. They should be reimbursed at some level, I believe!

I wouldn't classify that as "greed" any more than charging users for streaming music is "greed".


Mar 14, 2003
Fairfax, VA
Far from the only one! I various feeds from places where I have family and good friends; all over the county. At home, of course, I have several scanners at the ready.

The feeds are very useful, not to mention fun!
I wish you would listen to my local counties feed. It covers about 10 TGs at the same time. On a busy night, it is impossible to follow one event in it's entirety. The LE agency only cares that there is a feed and doesn't like it. So here, we will lose our dispatch to encryption for nothing. The feed is useless anyway. The point is being missed. If we stop steaming and it prevents "SOME" future encryption, we have accomplished something positive. If we ignore it all, we all lose.


Dec 30, 2014
If we stop steaming and it prevents "SOME" future encryption, we have accomplished something positive. If we ignore it all, we all lose.

I disagree. It may slow it down but the fact that you can receive it at all without authorization will soon enough be unpalatable the government agencies. Transparency itself is actually under attack. That means all of it eventually.


Jul 22, 2009
So, should the people providing feeds just do it for free? Why? There are expenses incurred to provide these feeds. They should be reimbursed at some level, I believe!

I wouldn't classify that as "greed" any more than charging users for streaming music is "greed".

They provide it to the company for free. From the big business philosophy why pay if you can get the labor for free. The city obviously does not want everything they do streamed and easily accessible by just downloading an app and pressing play. I doubt other cities/agencies will bother with sending those kinds of letter. All new P25 systems are very easy to setup encryption and you can have interop with encryption that is no longer a problem anymore.
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