I haven’t read through all the postings yet but I have the SDS100 and the battery latch broke yesterday. not abused. Never taken out of the living room. The battery pack simply put too much stress on the plastic clip. It broke dead in the center at the mold joint. Mine is still under warranty but I don’t like the idea of shipping it back to Uniden if there is a part I can buy. I’ve e-mailed Uniden asking for the part. Hopefully they’ll send it avoiding having to ship it back. It’ll save them money as well as myself but have yet to receive a reply. Does anyone know if there is a part number or a link for direct purchase of the item?
It is unlikely you will be able to order a clip from Uniden. They haven't been selling them recently. As mentioned above you can order an improved replacement clip from Jon at the link below. Just scroll down to Scanner Accessories, choose the SD100 clip for $10 in the list and proceed to Add to cart.
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