I’m intend to post a fuller set of information and pictures, but here is the summary, the 700/800 filter works well for my p25rx on 700.
Probably works well my other SDR’s as well, just haven’t tested as much of thIs. Also 800 interference is limited here so testing may not be as meaningful for 800.
Using the filter with my P25RX is like turning the hands of time back several years, before my home and office became grossly overloaded from broadbandend signals terminating at about 768mhz. The sites I could previously receive (including with a airspy) I can receive again.
The LWIN site in Lafayette (north) is a good test case for me because it has a 769mhz Ctrl channel and a lower signal level overall at my residence/QTH/main test point, then it would in the middle of city or my office; my home is somewhat on the edge of its service countour.
In my driveway, it goes from totally unusable w/o to fully usable with filter. Driving to the base of the offending cell tower made no difference (I was only about 50 feet from the base Of tower). On the closer to myself Scott LWIN site, I also got lots of wavering signals and some dropouts before the filter, but none afterward. Sitting side by side to an xts5000 scanning the site conventionally, we received the same stuff.
I will now be able to deploy the P5RX mobile again and I believe it will be enough at my office as well which is even worse b/c of two nearby cell towers.
I have a few screenshots from an airspy and SDRsharp showing the great improvement in noise floor for the 769 band and The improved SNR for a given control channel as a result. Briefly using it at my office, it helped my SDS100 lock onto an LWIN site, which it definitely could not do.before.
THE NET RESULT IS I CAN HERE THINGS AGAIN I HAD LOST due to the strong signals 768 and below, thanks to this filter.
Again more pictures/screenshots coming.
DISCLAIMAER: I was provided a filter to test, with the offer that I could purchase at a discount if I wished. I have no other business relationship with BTT/bluetailtech, other than being a happy customer of a P25rx
I absolutely will purchase this filter, and would purchase another one or two if I could.