Buffalo Police Only (Erie Co. ).....Audio Feed


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
I'm working on setting up a separate feed for each of 3 Buffalo PD P25 channels, (CH 2, Ch 3 & Ch 4) currently the broadcastify Buffalo police feed is all of these combined with BFD. So if listeners only want to listen to a single BPD channel that covers their District, they can't do so via broadcastify.

Things I still need to do are: figure out how or if it even possible to use one single RTL-SDR dongle and broadcast the 3 channels separately (I know I can certainly combine them, but we don't want it that way.)

If I can't, I will need 3 dongles @ $100+ a usb Hub and the hardware to connect all 3 dongles to an antenna(s).

The next problem to figure out...is can it be done with one PC and one instance of SDR-trunk? and if I have one with the power to do so. The one I am testing on is barely running sdr-trunk and windows 10.

OR can I use multiple instances of SDR-Trunk?

Another option is to use the Saianet feeds which we have no idea how long those will last or stay on the assigned talkgroups.

Lastly we need Broadcastify to approve 3 more BPD feeds.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
Buffalo PD Ch 4 "A District" feed is up on broadcastify. I'm out of dongles so I can't add any more single channel feed per dongle...I may attempt to put another feed on the dongle, but I think the higher traffic may cause many of Ch 4 transmissions to be missed.

The whole purpose of me putting up individual channels is so a listener can select a channel that just covers their area as opposed to the feed that has all the BPD channels, BFD and EMS combined into one feed.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
You do not need separate dongles or separate instances of SDRTrunk for Buffalo PD channels 2-4. They are all extremely close in frequency, easily fitting within the 2.4 MHz bandwidth of a standard RTL dongle. You simply create the three separate channel definitions, giving each a unique "talkgroup ID" (for SDRTrunk purposes only to distinguish them from one another), and start decoding. At that point you could feed all of them to both Calls as individual nodes, as well as to individual traditional audio feeds.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
I sent Broadcastify a message and they responded, and now I need someone who may be able to provide Buffalo NY Police audio feed.
Would love if someone can help with this !!

Their Answer:
The only way they can be separate is if someone in the area volunteers to provide an audio feed for our site and they have their scanner monitor only Buffalo Police.

My Question :
"Was wondering if you can separate Buffalo Police from the combined Buffalo Police,Fire,EMS in the Erie County New York Area?
It is so aggravating when listening to something interesting from Buffalo Police, then the Fire Dept./Ems overides with someone stubbing their toe and can't hear responses for BPD.
Please look into this and see if something can be done so Buffalo Police have their own broadcast.
Thank you so much !
There are now separate feeds up for BPD Ch 2 , 3 and 4)