Does anyone know the status of Bullitt county going over to metrosafe I saw an article that talked about it happening this year does anyone know if the county is making any progress?
Does anyone know the status of Bullitt county going over to metrosafe I saw an article that talked about it happening this year does anyone know if the county is making any progress?
My note: I was told the towers could not be certified until there was foliage on the trees. Perhaps they will go ahead and go live and wait to 'certify' the towers in the summer of 2020. I really hope this is what they do because the First Responders need this system on yesterday!
I requested they do that for anyone researching a scanner. It was done in Oldham before they switched. Currently all towers are up and talking to each other. The microwaves were given approval by the FCC two months ago. They had to file an amendment which was approved two days ago. Radios programming is in progress, as well as tuning all the sites. They will be using the Bernheim frequencies to run the system and it’s currently active just no testing yet with voice that I have heard. It’s about 18 months behind original schedule and is also dependent on the dispatch center being totally complete with their new CAD. That is about 98% done from my understanding.