While a scanner is tuned to "your" frequency, its local oscillator is not on your frequency, so why would you hear it? A hammie should know better.
I've had it happen before. I was listening to mall security with my handheld scanner at a local mall and the Motorola bricks security people were carrying were ancient and radiated their local oscillator very well. I found I was IMAGE receiving their local oscillators! My handheld scanner (this was back in the late 80's BTW) had a 10.7MHz first IF and the Moto bricks had a 21.4MHz first IF freq...exactly twice my scanner's 1st IF. While listening to mall security's repeater, I could hear the repeater fine when there was traffic but also heard their receiver local oscillator(s) when the repeater was not in use. It was a rather lucky combination that enabled me to use my scanner to detect when a security guard was close by in the crowd. When close by, their local oscillator could be heard strongly (DFQ). If they were more than about 50-100ft away, it would be weak and scratchy. More than about 100 or so feet away and I couldn't hear it anymore.
They didn't detect MY scanner but I sure was able to hear the receiver's local oscillator in their Motorola bricks!