New to this forum and really need your help, and completely value your opinion after reading hundreds of your posts... I am guessing you are a former "Coastie" radio man from your icon.I don't do e-mail. Feel free to share your questions here so others can benefit from the information.
I have an aluminum body SUV (2018 Ford Expedition) and would like to install a CB radio. From you many posts, I understand that your recommendation is to use a center roof mounted NMO antenna like the Larsen NMO-27 or Laird equivalent.
My Ford dealer warns me that the ferrous metal of the NMO mount, or any ferrous metal mounting, will create corrosion with the aluminum body. Dissimilar metals create a galvanic couple and over time create corrosion. Besides, my wife would have a fit if I drilled a 3/4" hole in the roof of our SUV.
I am aware that there are alternatives, such as front hood/fender mounts, or the factory roof rack rails that are actually ferrous metal on my vehicle but not grounded to the chassis. When I put one lead of an ohm meter on the roof rail and the other to chassis ground, it shows open circuit or infinity. I could fashion a bracket on the roof rail with a steel plate and place a magnetic base for the Larsen antenna. I would just have to screw it on and remove it every time I went in or out of the garage. Not a convenient thing, but I would do it if this is the only viable option. Your prior posts however indicate this roof rail set up with the antenna few inches off the roof would not provide a good ground plane.
Regarding the fender/ hood options, I am told that for coil loaded antennas, either base or center loaded, the entire coil must be located above the roofline of the vehicle for good SWR and signal pattern. Hustler makes a center loaded, 3-foot antenna that would get the bottom of the coil just above the roof line.
All this aside, I do not understand RF ground plane theory, and am concerned after reading your posts that that the front mounted fender or hood lip mounts will not be ideal or provide reception beyond 1-2 miles max.
Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks very much in advance and thank you for your service.