Thanks! Can this truck just sit in place and monitor the air, or does it carry mobile air monitoring equipment in the rear compartments? When is air minoring required?Air Monitoring
The Pod Trucks are similar to other departments. They carry extra supply's and equipment for large scale emergencies. 4 Pods - 2 Hazmat, 1 Collapse and 1 for flooding, They are probably set up a little differently from other departments.. but its the same concept.
FRPs respond to any incident that can oppose a threat to FD or EMS. I.E Water Rescue incidents and fires. FRPs don't goto hazmats unless its super major. Usually the Devon unit handles any contaminated civilians/crews SO FRP isn't as useful.
MRUs are indeed SUVs with medical gear and dedicated firefighters (i.e. not shared with another unit).
Haztechs are not sent on regular calls - they're specialized crew that assist the hazmat responders on larger hazmat incidents.
As for "BRAND new rescues", there are six of them either coming or already here. Standard practice of replacing old apparatus with new.
The CFD page on Wikia appears to be kept fairly up-to-date.