CFD Apparatus status discussion (Non-Radio Information)


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
I think more Tenders are needed in Calgary. Yeah we're a big city but it gets hot, dry, and there's a bunch of grasslands and parks with no hydrants at all.

Both Tenders are incredibly far from each other and require a long haul to the opposite side of the city.

I think a Tender per quadrant is needed and then some. A Tender in the NE at either 22 or 32 to head out to the outskirts of the NE. (Works great for 22 since they're really busy and a 3rd unit is not bad at all)

A Tender in the deep south at 26 or 37 wouldn't be bad either. Both have great access to HWY 201 and can also head into Fish Creek if it ever lights up again. 21 and 25 are pretty good where they are as is, 21 can get onto 1A to cover the West and Foothills has some areas with no hydrants and good access to East HWY 201.

A Tender or even a Bush Buggy at 40 wouldn't be bad either. 40 has the most grasslands in its district and they need a secondary as they run too many calls for a single engine. (Like Engine 18)

Those are my thoughts on where Tenders should go in the Calgary. I would love to hear your thoughts.
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
Neat read! Definitely see some similarities between the municipalities. Even sending fully staffed BBs up when the "trifecta" hits is a step in the right direction.

My two cents is the biggest thing CFD can do is change their wildland response. Bush Buggies are bulky, lower and extremely heavy with their tanks. They're not really built for offroading in the state their in (Defeats the purpose) What we need are the lifted Bush Buggies (Like the ones pictured below) that can go anywhere, and are lighter. We also need different style tenders. As opposed to the larger ones full of gear in their lockers, I think it would be beneficial to just have a truck that simply carries water.

Again, thats only my opinion, and I'm sure I'm missing some operational and logistical pieces, but thats my take.
Screenshot 2025-01-17 201641.pngLifted Brush Truck, Ford F450 | 911RR ...
matchbox f 350 Ford brush truck | brush truck, matchbox, ford


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
4 Tenders, 1 in each quadrant for sure! 21/34 for the NW, 22/32 for NE, 25 where it is, 37 looks good in the SW. I would like to see at least 2 Bush Buggies added to the fleet and like Calgary_Fire_Filmer said, a change in the wildland response/design of the trucks.
One day CFD will be called upon to assist Rockyview, Chestermere, Foothills fire or even further out departments to assist in wildland response (including tender shuttling and structure protection) and CFD is going to be stretched thinner then ever, even with the extra staffing


YYC Filmer
Mar 25, 2017
A Tender would probably fit well in 32, that's where they had that 4th one staffed at during the water main problems we had last year. They'd also do well if fully staffed with even a 2 man crew during peak rush hour at 22 if necessary. Since 22 is always busy and the area just works in my opinion.

37 obviously used to have the Sterling but also another Tender before, so that'd be a nice spot for it in the SW quadrant. 25 is fine where it is due to industrial area and near flat grass lands somewhat. 21 is fine where it is, but it would look kinda cool having 4 big rigs stacked in 34... But that's more of a "cool thing" rather than a need.
ALSO, 22 would be more beneficial than 32 in some ways because it's also closer to the NE industrial areas and commerical areas, so they'd find more use sometimes than just grass/wildland fires.
I think if it were a possibility for Bush Buggies/Tenders, they should be the same style of chassis/build like the current Tenders we have but obviously newer and with 4 seats, or if we were able to for Bush Buggies, have 2 small single axle tenders that'd serve as a Wildlands rig for easier off road access.
(I apologize if this makes 0 sense, I had a late night lol)


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Evening Chaps. This week while driving up 4th Street I spotted a sight we've been waiting to see for a long time. The Volterra is now officially at Station 7. It's not in service yet last I checked and Engine 7 runs a spare. We can expect it to go into service some time next week and we'll probably see a news report about it.

I'm assuming since Engine 7 is running a spare, it's main might have been moved elsewhere to replace another Engine. The last Engine that needs replacing is Engine 43 so they might be running Engine 7s main. Can't wait to see this thing responding, it will be a sight to behold.