This was my very first airshow many years ago. My Dad was trying to impress my aunt from Canada and he dragged us all down to the show. I was a little kid and had no idea what I was getting into. As it turned out, it was the last year the Blue Angels flew in the F4 Phantoms. (High show). WOW, instant airshow addiction, LOL. Haven't missed a Chicago airshow weekend since. For a good look at that era, try to find the Blue Angels video "Threshold". Hokey, but amazing. I'm sure I looked like one of those hypnotized little kids in the video, LOL. I wish the Angels would transition to super hornets or maybe JTSF's, maybe one day...
My girlfriend in high school was a couple hundred yards from the crash site of the Vulcan bomber out near Glenview in the 80's. Glenview NAS (and her) are long gone. We were at the show 2 years ago for the infamous T-Birds "bump". I was at the show down on Oak street for the legendary SR-71 "slow" pass. A few years ago (?) we got an improvised AWACS fly-by. I remember one year a Bucaneer dropped a simulated torp into Lake Michigan and another year a USAF aerospace rescue chopper fired a door gun MG into the water. These same guys once once dragged one of the park district guys about 100 yards down the beach sand on a helo extraction, turning him into a human sand castle. A few years ago the Scott (former O'Hare) KC-135 on Friday did a slow turn-in pass about 50 feet off the water. One year at our Fullerton site we had chopper so close to us the rotor wash was knocking squirrels and twigs from our trees. Always something AMAZING to see at the Chicago show.
The under rated part of the thrill show is the boating mayhem out about a mile on the lake from the hundreds of civillian and commercial boater spectators being managed by the coast guard, CPD and others. There's almost always one good boat fire, a sinking, collision or something to watch. VHF marine band goes hog-wild. You also see some great media helos and banner tows, but I do miss Meigs field.
After 15 years of doing the airshow at North Ave beach on Saturdays we finally gave up with the heat, sun, crowds and especially with having equipment destroyed by kicked/flying sand and we relocated to our Fullerton Ave "easy" spot for the big show on Saturday. But we'll be show center at the beach house on Friday!
We have made many airshow friends, including one from Australia. Hat's off to our buddy Jackie and his family and their fine grill. So many airshow memories, it's such a great event. Come to the show!
Happy Airshow! - Ted & the CARMA crew