I guess if you read the whole article and not try and pick out specific sentences you would realize that the sentence you choose dealt with the explanation area of what the city did and has really nothing to do with solution to monitoring.Okay so that's question 1. So if I want the portability option, then I'm stuck with the Pro 96. You must understand my confusion especially since the Wiki specifically says, "As this article is being prepared, there is only one scanner available (the GRE PSR800) that is capable of monitoring P25 Phase 2 channels, and that unit is no longer in production." Later on it adds only 3 more scanners.
Go back and re-read your post. You are not asking a question in the your second point, so there is nothing to answer. As for your comment about Tac channels, the normal operations on the UHF system didn't make use of any Tac channels except for "eight", which no longer exists at all, and "citywide", which is in the new lineup. The current encrypted tactical channels are all new.Any takers on question 2? Do we get mostly similar scanning? I don't want to spend all the money on a new one if I don't get any of the talk I had on the old system.
As for your reference to the Pro-96, of all the P25 capable scanners I own, it is the only one that I cannot get reliable decoding on the new system. It just doesn't handle the multi-path distortion well at all for me; although, according to what some other folks on the HoustonScan Yahoo group say, it appears to work depending where you are located.