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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Code Plug help for Saber RSS

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Sep 6, 2009
San Carlos, CA
Hey all,

Some how I finally got my Saber RSS too work on my laptop in DOS. I tried it a few weeks ago and it seemed like the COM1 port wasnt working.

Well I finally got it to read tonight. I have a Saber I UHF, Saber II UHF and 3 Saber II VHF Securenet.

I was able to change the Saber I around a little, put in some FRS frequencis to test out and everything works out just fine.

I am more conserned about messing around with the Saber II because of the zones and other stuff. I messed one up already where I cant enter the chanel name.

So my question is this: How do I save a codeplug????

I have a floppy disk I start the program off by saber.exe.....It boots up and works fine. But when I try to save a codeplug, I get some error. So how should I set the archive folder. If that is the right folder, and how should I save the codeplug. I know the codeplug is radio and model specific.

On a side not, I need to order a new programming cable for my MT2000 now that I have DOS RSS working. The one I have now doesnt seem to work, Even in CPS with my MTS2000

Thank you


Premium Subscriber
Mar 11, 2003
Its better to run the saber off the hard drive than the disk, Then create a directory on the hard drive such as C:/saber.archive.cpg or something of that nature it should show you in the RSS in the setup page under computer settings,


Apr 28, 2008
Noblesville, IN
Step one in programming any radio, should be to save a copy of a codeplug once you've read it with RSS/CPS.

Zones can be confusing, but think of it like a spreadsheet. The zone names are the names of the columns and the channel names are the row names under each specific column.

Also, channel information (frequency, tone info, and other options are configured in one place. Then you need to go to zone/channel assignment to name the channel and put it in a specific group.

I have four different Saber's across UHF and VHF. I'd be happy to take a look at a code plug for you, if you think you have one that is hosed.


Sep 6, 2009
San Carlos, CA
Thank you for your replies

I have my Saber RSS folder saved on my desktop in windows. But when I go into DOS Mode, I cant figure out the path to load the RSS via the saved folder in windows.

I understand zones and channels and PL tones and such.

Im slowly figuring out the RSS and the different options. Lots of different options for me too choose from.

Im still having trouble with saving the codeplug.

FFPM571 posted "C:/saber.archive.cpg or something of that nature" under the archive section under setup. Would that be the same place where the RSS should be saved under windows?

Would changing the saber.exe to install.exe install it to the hard drive like my MTSX RSS??? Because now when I click on saber.exe it opens it instantly, unlike the MTSX which prompted me to install at a location.


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
Easiest thing is to put all your RSS/CPS under a directory called MRSS. Once you do that, then under each directory, put a /Archive.

Can't go wrong with Sabers - I've got several and they are like solid rocks!


Sep 6, 2009
San Carlos, CA
Can't go wrong with Sabers - I've got several and they are like solid rocks!

I agree.

I will set up a directory when I get home tonight. Hopefully I can figure it out.

Thanks for your previous reply on another post. I was able to get a slower and older computer that works for my Saber. Now just to get a cable for my MTS200 and another for my Spectra


May 23, 2005
Boston, MA
I hope you are running Saber RSS under native DOS, not a so-called DOS Window under Windows.

If so and you understand the issues, please excuse my intervention.

Otherwise, you might want to search around Batlabs for some discussions on this issue. In general, older Motorola RSS packages require direct software control of the UART chip, which DOS discourages but permits if required but which Windows does not permit. Executing a write to a radio from RSS running under a DOS Window in Windows can result in a corrupted radio.


Sep 6, 2009
San Carlos, CA
I run the RSS in native DOS. Not windows. The radio reads and writes fine. I just cant save yet. I will try to spend more time more time on it this weekend.

Thank you


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
Make sure when that after you set up your directories, bring up the RSS and then go to the setup screen and make sure you put in your pathways so the program will know where to save it.
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