Coming soon,

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Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
But really it doesn't matter, what matters is what I (we) feel is a fair deal

Sounds good. Either you decide what we are providing you is a fair deal or you decide that what we are providing you isn't a fair deal. That is your decision to make.

We feel we are overly generous in what we've provided our feed broadcasters in the past and what we will continue to offer.


Feb 24, 2001
What about your interests? Did you miss the part where Lindsay enumerated the approximate value of feed incentive give always RR sent out? What was that number..? You should scroll back up and find it.

Frankly, I find your comment rude, and just this side of disrespectful.


Apr 29, 2001
Fort Mill, S.C. (just south of Charlotte, N.C.)
Gee...the only reason(s) I can see for anyone to purchase a scanner instead of listening to streaming audio are
1) The ability to customize the scanner to be suit your monitoring needs
2) The ability to monitor what agencies/channels you want to when you want to
3) The ability to stop the scanner and hold on a specific channel at any time.
4) The ability to listen to channels/talkgroups that are not allowed to be streamed due to Feed Provider TOS.
5) The ability to take a scanner outside your local area on a trip and listen to what you want to hear.
6) The ability to quickly make changes to a scan list on the fly.
7) And the fact you are not at the mercy of the feed provider in terms of audio quality.

I mean other than the above you are correct there is no reason for anyone to purchase a scanner anymore, right? Marshall KE4ZNR

How about reason 8 ... the ability to hear the dispatch being broadcast (without the delays from buffering) before the fire truck passes your location !
Aug 30, 2007
Richmond, VA
I think the RR take it or leave it attitude is a bit cavalier. The execs at RR must have been hanging out with Reed Hastings from Netflix. They had the same attitude before having to issue apologies when their stock price tanked.

Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2


Dec 20, 2010
Euharlee Ga
I for one am excited about the change. As a feed provider, I do not do it for free privileges, I do it to provide a service to my community. I have excellent feedback of how the feed has provided valuable information in times of major incidents and severe weather. With nearly 7,000 fans on my coinciding Facebook page, it has become a major source for general information. For those who are removing their feeds because they no longer are receiving a free service to RR, that is your prerogative. But I urge you to reconsider because there may be many who appreciate your efforts and the service you have provided.

I also supply a feed to Weather Underground for Weather Radio, hopefully Broadcastify will allow these feeds in the future.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I think it would be fair to include access to the RR Database so that we can log in and program our scanners easily. I mean, it is in YOUR best interest that OUR scanners are programmed correctly.

Curiosity got the best of me... How many feeds do you have, and what system are you on that requires that many changes?


Oct 26, 2010
Palmdale, Ca
First - I'm looking forward to the changes and the features that are coming. It is difficult to make progress/advancements when you're standing still. I applaud Lindsay and the team for taking the next step forward.

Second - When I decided to provide my first feed, I looked at Radio Reference and there was no local feeds in the area. I thought to myself, "hey, this is a fire prone area, I bet the community would really like a feed." I was right. On a normal day, there may only be a handful of listeners, but when a brush fire starts, the count quickly climbs. I've received several "thank you" messages from the community for providing the feed. My second feed unfolded the same way when I realized Kern County did not have a fire feed. Many mountain communities now count on the feed for real-time information.

If you're a feed provider that is upset with the changes that are coming, PLEASE consider the community that your scanner feed serves before discontinuing your feed. Although we (the feed providers) often do not receive thank you's from listeners, I think it is safe to say that the feeds are greatly appreciated.

"Every listener is a silent thank you"


May 13, 2005
Here is my take on the whole thing. I feel like the others, that this change sucks. I don't use the database all that often, but it's sure a nice perk to have and not something I want to pay for, especially for how little I use it. But when I need it, I sure as heck don't want to do the work manually. Everyone is telling you you're taking away what means the most to us. It sounds like most of us could care less about the Broadcastify premium service that you're touting as a bigger value. To us the RR premium subscription is the bigger value. It doesn't matter the dollar amount you put on them.

The attitude and response we've all received on here from you says it all and has done nothing but make the situation worse. Very few people overall will actually voice their opinions like the MANY that already have. I just learned about all this a few minutes ago so I'm sure there are TONS of others that don't even know yet. Once they find out about these changes I'm sure there will be a lot more backlash. You say the vocal minority, but from the amount of people I've seen respond negatively already I'm thinking it's going to be a pretty high percentage upset.

Back to the attitude we're all getting. You're basically replying and saying screw you we don't care what you all think. A good company will listen to their customers and when they've announced a bad decision and get this much negativity will look back at it and say okay, maybe we need to rethink this a little bit. There have been post after post all saying the same thing and honestly asking very little of you and all you can say is sorry about you, we don't really care about you.... we're doing what we want because we can. That more than anything leaves a bad taste. First you take the most important thing to many of us away, and then you tell us we don't care how you feel, go ahead and leave.

I did not start my feed here because of any perks I got with it. But after having them it will suck to lose them. As I said, the way this has came about and the response received from posts is the worst thing about this.
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 1, 2004
Existing premium subscribers on will have their subscriptions extended to Broadcastify for the term that they paid for on Meaning, if you paid for 180 days of a premium subscription on and you have 120 days left, you will be automatically granted a 120 subscription on Broadcastify

After further review, I am going to have to renew my Premium Subscription for 2 years before the 15, to take advantage of this deal.

That will buy me time if I decide to host a feed in the future. The new layout and features look cool.
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Nov 24, 2003
No RR subscription means my feed goes away

I use my premium RR sub to keep my scanner current for the feed I provide. I'm certainly not willing to pay to download channel data in order to provide a feed to a RR spinoff for free. Poor idea, poor implementation. I'll just simply shutdown my feed and make it private for my use only.
Dec 19, 2002
West of the Muddy Creek, East of the Big Hill.
Whenever we make changes, there are invariably those that are disappointed. But I hope that you guys have trust and faith in our leadership team. We've got some great visions for this community moving forward!

The changes here at RadioReference has made the place much better over the years. Thanks to the leadership team for letting us be part of the support team.


Feed Provider
Dec 10, 2005
Curiosity got the best of me... How many feeds do you have, and what system are you on that requires that many changes?

I provide 2 feeds. The main feed (which is usually on the Top 50 every night) I never mess with. It's been programmed the same for years.
My second scanner though I do reprogram several times a year due to it covers every county surrounding me, and when they make changes, I too make changes. I also monitor a STATE WIDE system, which again, anytime a change is made to a talkgroup or frequency in the state that might be of interest to me, I need to reprogram (which has been alot this year due to rebanding).

I don't think it really costs RR very much money to let the people who provide feeds access to the online database, which has been built by us, for free in return for us providing the feed to them to resell and/or profit from.

Hopefully this decision doesn't come back to bit RR in the but like it did with Netflix. I don't mind having the two services separated, but I would like to continue to receive the same perks that I have been enjoying, not less, because some company making money from my donated resources is getting greedy.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 18, 2012
Thunder Bay
I am glad to see broadcastify start. I applied to be a feed supplier and never did get a response or help getting my scanner on air.


Feed Provider
Dec 10, 2005
BTW, I wish there was a "LIKE" button on here, because I sure do like some of the replys on here!!


Nov 24, 2003
By the way, your claim to pay incentives is suspect. I host the Bastrop County Texas feed, we had the 3rd largest wildfire in US history last year, 1988 listeners and I got nothing. But that's not why I broadcast.

Too bad greed will destroy another good service. Too bad Gordon sold out, I figured it would all go to crap eventually.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
By the way, your claim to pay incentives is suspect. I host the Bastrop County Texas feed, we had the 3rd largest wildfire in US history last year, 1988 listeners and I got nothing. But that's not why I broadcast.

Too bad greed will destroy another good service. Too bad Gordon sold out, I figured it would all go to crap eventually.

Nothing has went to crap... quite the contrary. That's why some people have become jealous. Nobody should be expected to carry an idea on forever as a labor of love. I am slightly envious that Lindsay has built what he has. But everything he has done, and any rewards he may reap are well deserved. Now I know there are other collaborators who have a hand in it, and I give them all credit. But it's Lindsay's baby.

I'd never hold a grudge because somebody had an idea, ran with it, and put a ton of sweat equity into bringing it to fruition as a successful business. If only more of us followed suit, this country would be in much better condition.

My only regret is that I wasn't around earlier -- in the TrunkedRadio.Net days.

I haven't seen a step backward yet, and I don't anticipate to see one anytime soon. I look forward to Broadcastify.



Feb 5, 2008
Southeast MI
I keep hearing about how we (the feed providers) should be grateful that we will be getting a $6 something a month premium subscription on the new site vs. the $2 something a month premium subscription we currently have. Here is an idea.... how about giving the feed provider a choice on which one they would like. Sounds like most people (like myself) would pick the lesser expensive of the two, saving RR money in the long run (since this new site will be owned by RR). I have no use for the premium subscription on the new site, however I do like access to the DB to keep my personal & feed scanners up to date. That is an important feature when you are in an area that is 95% trunked across multiple systems and subsystem simulcasts.

Even though I can see the change as a whole as being a good thing, I must question the decision to take away an important feature to many feed providers. For me it is just a timely inconvenience to manually program a trunked system. However to others, the ability to download the database is a must have, because of the complicated nature of programming trunked systems. Why do you think the Home Patrol was so popular. Many people will not take the time to figure out how to manually program a scanner to host a feed. With all the rebanding coming up, taking that feature away will cause backlash.

I have major audio/signal improvements in the works for my feed. Those will continue as planned. The area I feed for is all digital trunking & many people can not afford a digital scanner, and would not know how to use one if they did get one. I consider my service to the community (not RR) more important then the database access. However I still question the means in which RR is applying what would otherwise be a good improvement.

As far as this being a means to get rid of the "hit & run feeders" to get 1 day access to the database, this is not the way to fix that. Many companies have a 30/60/90 day trial period before the employee gets benefits. Did the RR admin ever consider a similar scheme for this? Have a feed online for a given time frame before providing the benefits?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 10, 2009
Central MA
Looking forward to Broadcastify, will definitely use the free feeds at first before considering a premium subscription and can't wait for the iOS app.

Innovate or die, you can't make everyone happy, especially those who are so quick to take their ball and go home.
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