I can't understand what you are trying to say since all of your post is ran together would you please elaborate?under part 95 any radio can transmit under5 watts. on gmrs or 20 foot or less. with a programable radio drop frs.1-7 since kids will use those first. start with channels 8-22 in a programmable radio. watts or less is legal. gmrs has 5 extra channels .467.55- 467. 575 467.600 467.625 467.650 467675 467.700 467.725...part 95 does say no operations north of lines a and c .on these channels yes if your south you these in place of 1-7 frs ...that will liminate bubble pack kids , and pl tone optionals with a programable radio...if your willing to spend extra for desent radio. giving 14 quiet channels ...kids willuse 1-7 first normally. so drop 1-7 if you have programming ability. then add murs 5 channels again pl tones can be used on these... 14 gmrs plus 5 murs 19 channels. you could utlize a couple more if you need to portablely from business pool like 151.505 .154.415 . then youll have 20 or 21 plus channels. but a multiband radio is required to utlize vhf/uhf together. on these channels if the need a rises. remember cb was only 23 channels back in the day. so using 40 channels vhf/uhf would be far fetched with low noise any ways. another considering thing vhf marine is be comming more and more un governed with out licesne so to say...no one will care if channel 69 is used for a short distance talk in land...unless 60 foot antennea or 50watts or over is used . if your legally under what part 95 says you can use you have no worries . motorala has such equipment and you can program certain un licensed frequecies already . wolly world doesn,t sell programable equipment ...it all boils down to your pocket book and look at the part 95s again ...following wattage rule is number one first... yet many license frequencies can be utlized together with the right radio.