Actually the CSX answer back tone is a "brrrrrrrrrrrrp" noise which sort of, but not really, resembles a phone ring.
I think what the OP is talking about is the PL tone that all of the CSX wayside base stations transmit when the DS is talking (250.3 Hz, Moto code M7). I've noticed it around here as well.
That being said, I've never been able to figure out exactly what they're doing with that. Back in the Conrail days, all CR defect detectors transmitted a PL tone (I think it was 100.0), which if I recall correctly passed the audio through the receiver at the nearest wayside base so the defect detector transmissions would be recorded at the dispatch center. The DS didn't hear it when the wayside base was not selected on his/her console.
The only thing I can think of is that CSX is doing something similar; I have no idea what it is exactly, but there's probably a receiver somewhere (even if it's just sitting on the local train master's desk) which only passes audio when the DS is talking.