I was going through a bunch of old files on my BBS earlier today and I stumbled upon this listing of CTCSS `Tones'. Like it says in the note at the end I'd really like to find out more about these and any others. (I'd also like to be able to add `DCTCSS?' `Tones' to this listing along with an explanation as to just how the `reverse?' / `inverted?' / `reciprocal?' / `or whatever it may be called' `version?' of them `works' `design-wise'.) While I am currently planning on taking down my BBS because we are going to be moving I do plan on getting it back up as soon as possible after we've finished the move and I'd like to be able to *possibly* be able to put up an `updated' version of the file the following came from.
====================== Open CTCSS.TXT ======================
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
1A = 103.5 4A = 141.3 7A = 192.8 YB = 88.5 __ = 241.8
1B = 107.2 4B = 146.2 7Z = 186.2 YZ = 82.5 __ = 250.3
1Z = 100.0 4Z = 136.5 M1 = 203.5 ZA = 94.8
2A = 114.8 5A = 156.7 SP = 79.7 ZB = 97.4
2B = 118.8 5B = 162.2 WA = 74.4 ZZ = 91.5
2Z = 110.9 5Z = 151.4 XA = 71.9 __ = 210.7
3A = 127.3 6A = 173.8 XB = 77.0 __ = 218.1
3B = 131.8 6B = 179.9 XZ = 67.0 __ = 225.7
3Z = 123.0 6Z = 167.9 YA = 85.4 __ = 233.6
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
by TONE:
67.0 = XZ 94.8 = ZA 127.3 = 3A 173.8 = 6A 241.8 = __
71.9 = XA 97.4 = ZB 131.8 = 3B 179.9 = 6B 250.3 = __
74.4 = WA 100.0 = 1Z 136.5 = 4Z 186.2 = 7Z
77.0 = XB 103.5 = 1A 141.3 = 4A 192.8 = 7A
79.7 = SP 107.2 = 1B 146.2 = 4B 203.5 = M1
82.5 = YZ 110.9 = 2Z 151.4 = 5Z 210.7 = __
85.4 = YA 114.8 = 2A 156.7 = 5A 218.1 = __
88.5 = YB 118.8 = 2B 162.2 = 5B 225.7 = __
91.5 = ZZ 123.0 = 3Z 167.9 = 6Z 233.6 = __
RELM HS-200/MS200 & Racing Electronics RE-2000 (Extended?)
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
001 = 67.0 011 = 97.4 021 = 136.5 031 = 192.8 041 = 165.5
002 = 71.9 012 = 100.0 022 = 141.3 032 = 203.5 042 = 171.3
003 = 74.4 013 = 103.5 023 = 146.2 033 = 210.7 043 = 177.3
004 = 77.0 014 = 107.2 024 = 151.4 034 = 218.1 044 = 183.5
005 = 79.7 015 = 110.9 025 = 156.7 035 = 225.7 045 = 189.9
006 = 82.5 016 = 114.8 026 = 162.2 036 = 233.6 046 = 196.6
007 = 85.4 017 = 118.8 027 = 167.9 037 = 241.8 047 = 199.5
008 = 88.5 018 = 123.0 028 = 173.8 038 = 250.3 048 = 206.5
009 = 91.5 019 = 127.3 029 = 179.9 039 = 69.4 049 = 229.1
010 = 94.8 020 = 131.8 030 = 186.2 040 = 159.8 050 = 254.1
The `original?' CTCSS tones only numbered 38 tones. Later on there
were another 12 tones added bringing the number up to 50. At the time of
compilation I had not discovered the exact reason for the addition.
Anyway, the reader may notice, the RELM HS-200 has the `original?' tones as
the first 38 and has relegated the additions to the end of their addressing
`scheme'. The `ALPHA/ALPHA' and `ALPHA/NUMERIC' codes that are listed are
yet another `questionable' area. Presumably they were manufacturer's codes
that eventually, by their continued useage, ended up being adopted by
default across the board by all. The remaining 6 tones in the `original?'
38 that don't have `ALPHA/ALPHA' and `ALPHA/NUMERIC' codes were probably,
like the other 12 that were added later, `last minute?' additions added as
they were probably needed. (I'd sure like to find out more about the
`history' of *all* these tones and codes and would appreciate any bits and
snippets that anyone can come up with. In the mean time I'll keep on
scrounging through various sources as I find them and will update this note
as more info shows up.)
====================== Close CTCSS.TXT ======================
While I *do* know that probably eventually these, and their `digital' conterparts, will become `historical "foot notes"' for the most part I'd really like to be able to `offer' them to those `users' / `crew members' who happen to be interested. Plus... In the `spirit' of the `packrat' that *I* am I figure that they are kinda nice to just have around. {VB GRIN!} For now, however, there is still a `call for' and some general useage so they are still something good to have available.
====================== Open CTCSS.TXT ======================
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
1A = 103.5 4A = 141.3 7A = 192.8 YB = 88.5 __ = 241.8
1B = 107.2 4B = 146.2 7Z = 186.2 YZ = 82.5 __ = 250.3
1Z = 100.0 4Z = 136.5 M1 = 203.5 ZA = 94.8
2A = 114.8 5A = 156.7 SP = 79.7 ZB = 97.4
2B = 118.8 5B = 162.2 WA = 74.4 ZZ = 91.5
2Z = 110.9 5Z = 151.4 XA = 71.9 __ = 210.7
3A = 127.3 6A = 173.8 XB = 77.0 __ = 218.1
3B = 131.8 6B = 179.9 XZ = 67.0 __ = 225.7
3Z = 123.0 6Z = 167.9 YA = 85.4 __ = 233.6
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
by TONE:
67.0 = XZ 94.8 = ZA 127.3 = 3A 173.8 = 6A 241.8 = __
71.9 = XA 97.4 = ZB 131.8 = 3B 179.9 = 6B 250.3 = __
74.4 = WA 100.0 = 1Z 136.5 = 4Z 186.2 = 7Z
77.0 = XB 103.5 = 1A 141.3 = 4A 192.8 = 7A
79.7 = SP 107.2 = 1B 146.2 = 4B 203.5 = M1
82.5 = YZ 110.9 = 2Z 151.4 = 5Z 210.7 = __
85.4 = YA 114.8 = 2A 156.7 = 5A 218.1 = __
88.5 = YB 118.8 = 2B 162.2 = 5B 225.7 = __
91.5 = ZZ 123.0 = 3Z 167.9 = 6Z 233.6 = __
RELM HS-200/MS200 & Racing Electronics RE-2000 (Extended?)
CTCSS Tones and Codes
(See NOTE at end!)
001 = 67.0 011 = 97.4 021 = 136.5 031 = 192.8 041 = 165.5
002 = 71.9 012 = 100.0 022 = 141.3 032 = 203.5 042 = 171.3
003 = 74.4 013 = 103.5 023 = 146.2 033 = 210.7 043 = 177.3
004 = 77.0 014 = 107.2 024 = 151.4 034 = 218.1 044 = 183.5
005 = 79.7 015 = 110.9 025 = 156.7 035 = 225.7 045 = 189.9
006 = 82.5 016 = 114.8 026 = 162.2 036 = 233.6 046 = 196.6
007 = 85.4 017 = 118.8 027 = 167.9 037 = 241.8 047 = 199.5
008 = 88.5 018 = 123.0 028 = 173.8 038 = 250.3 048 = 206.5
009 = 91.5 019 = 127.3 029 = 179.9 039 = 69.4 049 = 229.1
010 = 94.8 020 = 131.8 030 = 186.2 040 = 159.8 050 = 254.1
The `original?' CTCSS tones only numbered 38 tones. Later on there
were another 12 tones added bringing the number up to 50. At the time of
compilation I had not discovered the exact reason for the addition.
Anyway, the reader may notice, the RELM HS-200 has the `original?' tones as
the first 38 and has relegated the additions to the end of their addressing
`scheme'. The `ALPHA/ALPHA' and `ALPHA/NUMERIC' codes that are listed are
yet another `questionable' area. Presumably they were manufacturer's codes
that eventually, by their continued useage, ended up being adopted by
default across the board by all. The remaining 6 tones in the `original?'
38 that don't have `ALPHA/ALPHA' and `ALPHA/NUMERIC' codes were probably,
like the other 12 that were added later, `last minute?' additions added as
they were probably needed. (I'd sure like to find out more about the
`history' of *all* these tones and codes and would appreciate any bits and
snippets that anyone can come up with. In the mean time I'll keep on
scrounging through various sources as I find them and will update this note
as more info shows up.)
====================== Close CTCSS.TXT ======================
While I *do* know that probably eventually these, and their `digital' conterparts, will become `historical "foot notes"' for the most part I'd really like to be able to `offer' them to those `users' / `crew members' who happen to be interested. Plus... In the `spirit' of the `packrat' that *I* am I figure that they are kinda nice to just have around. {VB GRIN!} For now, however, there is still a `call for' and some general useage so they are still something good to have available.