1 through 6 Vineland
7 Bridgeton
11 Port Norris
12 Mauricetown
13 Laurel lake
14 Greenwich
15 Gouldtown
16 Fairton
17 Cedarville
18 Dividing creek
19 Newport
20 Fortescue
21 Hopewell
23 Cumberland
24 Delmont
25 Hiesleville
26 Leesbrg
27 Pt. Elizabeth
28 Carmel (disband as of first of the year)
29 Rosenhayn
30 Millville
31 Upper Deerfield
32 Seabrook
33 Upper Deerfield 2
35 Shiloh
Squads (EMS)
6 Vineland
7 Bridgeton
11 Portnorris
13 Lauel Lake
16 Fairfield township
22 Belleplain (Mauricerivertownship area)
29 Rosenhayn
34 Upper Deerfield TWP
35 Shiloh (night only, Daytime by Dist 7)
36 Downe Twp
38 Lawrence Twp
98 Millville