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Curious about a good source for "antique" CB walkie talkie information

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Jan 11, 2021
Schaumburg, Il
I have a bunch of questions about variations in Radio Shack vintage 40 channel CB walkie talkies. Does anyone know of a good source of information about them?

Thanks much.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Google... I wouldn't use a search that says antique I would use a search that says vintage. You can search for Old Radio Shack catalogs going all the way back. You can search for old Lafayette electronic catalogs going all the way back. If you are really going to find vintage or antique they won't be 40 channels.

40 channels was added later in the cycle of CB radio. CB radio started out with 23 channels with some units having two business channels added but the Vintage stuff was Crystal controlled and usually a walkie-talkie had 6 channels that were Crystal controlled that you bought the crystals at your Radio Shack store. Synthesized 23 Channel walkie talkies came later and they did not have crystals. They began at 1 watt, then 2 watts until they were 5 Watts, really 4 watts output

My 1st CB walkie-talkie was probably around 1963 when I was 10 and was one watt and had Channel 14 in it. The popular crystals that were sold off the rack were 6 9 11 14 and 19. Have fun!


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
I always had fun with this site. You can browse through each RS catalog by year and literally see the variations between WTs in their pages. Plus you can see the progression from WTs were first offered until they weren't.


Oct 24, 2015
Cbtricks seems to have a wealth of information...



Active Member
May 6, 2019
All good advice posted already; the only thing I could add is: I wonder if any of the CB shops out there--especially those that have been around long enough--might have old references floating around in their archives that they haven't cleaned out yet...


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
All good advice posted already; the only thing I could add is: I wonder if any of the CB shops out there--especially those that have been around long enough--might have old references floating around in their archives that they haven't cleaned out yet...
Mmmm... unfortunately the cb shops that have been around a long time have been cleaned out themselves. None of them exist anymore around me except for one that I can think of that's about 30 miles away. They opened up a soft serve ice cream stand in the front of the building which does a banging business but they still have the CB shop in the rear with a good size lot for the truck to come in. Unfortunately, in my particular area CB is dead as a doornail. You might have places in your area that you could check out.


Jan 11, 2021
Schaumburg, Il
I was poking around the net and saw these interesting old WTs. There are some variations in construction. There are even different model numbers on these (209 vs 210) but look identical. Does anyone know why the same model number has different configurations? What is the difference between TRC 209, TRC 210? I can see all of these are labeled the same 5 watt, 40 channel. Even the label on the back with the specs are in different places. Yes I looked on Google but didn't find much info. Thanks.



Active Member
May 6, 2019
Mmmm... unfortunately the cb shops that have been around a long time have been cleaned out themselves. None of them exist anymore around me except for one that I can think of that's about 30 miles away. They opened up a soft serve ice cream stand in the front of the building which does a banging business but they still have the CB shop in the rear with a good size lot for the truck to come in. Unfortunately, in my particular area CB is dead as a doornail. You might have places in your area that you could check out.

Well, there's a couple I've dealt with that do internet sales; if you want to give them a try: CB Radio Shop with Accessories & Radios for Sale: Walcott Radio and: Copper Electronics, Inc. | Copper Electronics


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Oh boy they look familiar. Radio Shack Archer walkie talkies.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Well, there's a couple I've dealt with that do internet sales; if you want to give them a try: CB Radio Shop with Accessories & Radios for Sale: Walcott Radio and: Copper Electronics, Inc. | Copper Electronics
Oh yes still a lot out there on the internet, not sure what paper material they may have hanging around from the old days but actual service centers where the trucks or cars for that matter would pull in and get service like installations, tuning and new antennas, old shops like that probably would have a bunch of old stuff hanging around in the back room if the poster can find one nearby him.

I'm at the intersection of I 295, I-95, Route 1, and the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Turnpike where there are a lot of truck stops and a lot of 18 wheelers and you will not find one that has CB antennas on it. Most of the CB service centers were located near or in the truck stops and they are all closed now. Channel 19 is quieter than Channel 9 used to be LOL.. the old psychotic who used to ramble on with profanity and gibberish stopped about a year ago, even the lot lizards don't use CB walkie talkies anymore ;)
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W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I was poking around the net and saw these interesting old WTs. There are some variations in construction. There are even different model numbers on these (209 vs 210) but look identical. Does anyone know why the same model number has different configurations? What is the difference between TRC 209, TRC 210? I can see all of these are labeled the same 5 watt, 40 channel. Even the label on the back with the specs are in different places. Yes I looked on Google but didn't find much info. Thanks.

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I didn't forget about you Dave, it's your thread. I did some research but it's getting late so I did not look at the RadioShack catalogs so I would do that if I was you the 209 was introduced in 1979 I bet you you will find the 210 in the 1980 catalog. Again I have not looked, going to bed now.

They are five watt walkie talkies but in those days they were rated for 4 watts output?. I did some research and found out there is absolutely no difference between these radios and the user manuals are interchangeable. Someone was looking for a 210 manual and accepted a 209 manual as being just as good. This is hard material to find. Just as a note look at the antennas. They were Center loaded 27 megahertz antennas with the same design as RadioShack's back of the set scanner antenna of the sixties with a mot pin. Fully extended it was VHF low, collapsed it was about 15 in and a VHF High quarter wave. That Center loaded antenna was the standard antenna for realistic handheld CB radios as a quarter wave whip for 27 megahertz would have been... 102 inches long. LOL.
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Jan 16, 2010
Buckeye, AZ
I always had fun with this site. You can browse through each RS catalog by year and literally see the variations between WTs in their pages. Plus you can see the progression from WTs were first offered until they weren't.
WOW!!! Thank you for sharing that website, sure brings me back to my childhood as a teenager flipping through the Radio Shack catalogs back in the late 70's and into the 80's!! So cool!


Active Member
May 6, 2019
Oh yes still a lot out there on the internet, not sure what paper material they may have hanging around from the old days but actual service centers where the trucks or cars for that matter would pull in and get service like installations, tuning and new antennas, old shops like that probably would have a bunch of old stuff hanging around in the back room if the poster can find one nearby him.

Yeah--a few companies I've worked for in the past actually tried to bring their old paper archives into the modern world by scanning them into the company's computer system as either a *.jpg or Adobe file (I've lost count how many hours I spent in front of copy machines, scanning old paperwork into a company's computer network). I guess it was partially to support customers who bought our old equipment on the used market and legal reasons in case failure of any old equipment created lawsuits, so we'd have info to back us up. I suppose not all companies will go to that extent with old equipment, though.


Sep 26, 2016
Antelope Valley, CA
After I graduated high school, I purchased a Realistic TRC-216. Don't know/remember whatever happened to it, but I purchased a TRC-231. The last time that I remmeber seeing my 231, was as I was driving down from ID to SoCal, in 2004. I had my 231 plugged in, wired up in our Neon, my CB was in our Grand Cherokee for the drive down before Christmas.


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