What's the status in Murray Co? When I went through there the other day, I didn't hear any traffic on the 155.835 repeater. The 168.425 park repeater was very active - carrying both SO traffic and regular park traffic - in P25!! I couldn't get the other radio out while driving, so I couldn't tell if the unit IDs keying up were the same (link?) or different with all the transmissions (MCSO on that repeater?).
I was in TX over the 4th Holiday, but MCSO is using 155.835 this evening. If you are referencing the NPS as the park, I don't normally monitor them since they switch over to MCSO for 43/44s , 28/29s, and most anything else of any importance, plus the SO dispatches for them now. They are currently working with Sulphur PD, MCSO, & OHP a found missing person out of Goldsby with a weapon and he was threatening suicide by cop all on the SO freq.
They have changed out the repeater in Davis and it evidently has battery back up now as well. It is really nice to not have the tones blasting every 20 to 40 minutes, but they have discovered that they can go down a bit on frequency and enjoy some privacy in communications between cars and not trigger the repeater with some of the newer radios .
I doubt this answered your question to your full satisfaction, but it is the best I can do with what I have to work with.